The CBIS Light Microscopy Core debuts new Leica Stellaris 8 with get-to-know-me workshop and seminar

The CBIS Light Microscopy Core is pleased to introduce it’s latest confocal acquisition, the Leica Stellaris 8. NUS users are invited to a virtual workshop and training on Wednesday, September 15th to learn more about the new system with Leica application specialist, Long Yu Chen.

About the Leica, Stellaris 8

This new confocal has white laser for fluorescence signal excitation with wavelength from 440-790nm and powerful detectors for weak signal detection. It also has TauSense detection to separate and/or remove auto fluorescent signal, such as chlorophyll, from interesting fluorescence signals effectively.

Reserve your place at the workshop here.

Take a tour of the new microscope’s features and specifications here.