
The first ASEAN workshop in Agri-Biotechnology | October 2013

At the 17th Biology Society Graduate Congress (BSGC) in Bangkok, 2012, the three partner universities i.e. Chulalongkorn University (CU), University of Malaya (UM) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) agreed to establish an ASEAN Universities Network in Biology to promote closer interaction and exchange of biologists in ASEAN. Besides the annual graduate congress, it was suggested that we should organise regular seminars and workshops on selected topics to better integrate the different research activities among our ten ASEAN countries. The first ASEAN workshop in Agri-Biotechnology was held in October 2013 at NUS. Speakers from CU, UM, Maejo University, Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Agriculture, and NUS presented their works on plant growth regulation and crop improvement technologies. It was a success. Later in June 2014, we had the second ASEAN workshop in Agri-Biotechnology and the 1st CU-NUS Joint Seminar in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at CU. In December 2014, we organized the ASEAN Workshop on Host-Pathogen Interaction, focusing on the relationship of pathogens to human health, covering many different aspects of host-pathogen interactions, from pathogenic mechanisms, host immune responses, structure and function of bacterial proteins to bio-imaging of the pathogen. In addition to our partner Universities from the previous workshops, we had speakers from other ASEAN universities. These included Mahidol University, University of Science Malaysia, the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Hanoi, University of Philippines, Diliman and the Louisiana State University. We were also grateful to have colleagues from University of Yangon, Myanmar in this workshop.

Hew Choy Leong
Emeritus Professor


  1. Mohammad Irham, Research Centre for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences | Avian Ecology


  1. Thong Kwai Lin Inst of Biological Sciences, Univ of Malaya | Microbiogy
  2. Yvonne Lim Ai Lian, Dept of Parasitology, Univ of Malaya | Parasitology
  3. Aik Hong Teh, Centre for Chemical Biology, Univ of Science Malaysia | X-ray crystallography
  4. Jennifer Ann Harikrishna , Inst of Biological Sciences, Univ of Malaya | Genetics and Molecular Biology
  5. Rofina Yasmin Othman, Inst of Biological Sciences, Univ of Malaya | Plant Virology
  6. Norzulaani Binti Khalid , Inst of Biological Sciences, Univ of Malaya | Plant Biotech, transgenic
  7. Irene Tan Kit Ping , Inst of Biological Sciences, Univ of Malaya | Bacteriology, Bioplastic, Fermentation
  8. Ng Chyan Leong , Inst of System Biology, Univ Kebangsaan Malaysia | Molecular Biology
  9. Aileen Tan Shau Hwai, School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia | Marine Ecology
  10. Mohammed Rizman bin Idid, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya | Molecular Ecology


  1. Myin Zu Minn, Dept of Zoology, Univ of Yangon | Agriculture
  2. San San Hmwe, Department of Zoology, University of Yangon | Mammal Ecology


  1. Joyce Ibana, Inst of Biology, Univ of Philippines, Diliman | Immunopharmacology
  2. Ashok Aiyar, Louisiana State Univ
  3. Jonathan Anticamara, Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines (Diliman) | Fisheries Biology
  4. Rachel Ravago-Gotanco, Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines (Diliman) | Marine phylogeography


  1. Henry Mok, DBS, NUS | Protein NMR and folding
  2. Ding Jeak Ling, DBS, NUS | Host-pathogen interaction and innate immunity
  3. Pan Seng Quan, DBS, NUS | Bacterial genetics & biotechnology
  4. Hew Choy Leong, DBS, NUS | Protein sciences and marine biotechnology
  5. Prakash Kumar, DBS, NUS | Plant morphogenesis
  6. Yu Hao, DBS, NUS | Plant functional genomics
  7. Xu Jian, DBS, NUS | Molecular cell biology, plant root systems
  8. Adam Yuan, DBS, NUS | Macromolecular structure & function
  9. Paul Matsudaira, DBS, NUS | Mechanobiology of cells and tissues, dynamics of nano-scale water, biomaging sciences
  10. Neo Mei Lin, Tropical Marine Science Institute, NUS | Giant Clam Ecology
  11. Tay Ywee Chieh, DBS, NUS | Invertebrate Genomics


  1. Li Chia-Wei, Department of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University | Evolutionary Biology


  1. Puey Ounjai, Dept of Biology, Mahidol Univ |
  2. Chanan Angsuthanasombat, Inst of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol Univ | Bacterial Protein Toxins
  3. Tanapat Palaga, Dept of Microbiology, Chulalongkorn Univ | Signal transduction
  4. Thanyada Rongrotmongkol, Dept of Biochemistry, Chulalongkorn Univ | Structural Biology and Biomolecular Modeling
  5. Anchalee Tassanakajon, Dept of Biochemistry, Chulalongkorn Univ | Molecular Biology and Genomics of Shrimp
  6. Teerapong Buaboocha, Dept. of Biochemistry, Chulalongkorn Univ | Molecular mechanisms of calcium-mediated stress responses in rice
  7. Supaart Sirikantaramas, Dept. of Biochemistry, Chulalongkorn Univ | Plant Biotechnology
  8. Supachitra chadchawan, Dept. of Botany, Chulalongkorn Univ | Botany, plant molecular biology
  9. Prawit Puddhanon, Maejo Univ | Agriculture
  10. Chuthamat Atnaseo, Maejo Univ | Agriculture
  11. Rath Pichyangura, Dept of Biochemistry, Chulalongkorn Univ | Carbohydrate Biotechnology
  12. Warinthorn Chavasiri, Dept of Chemistry, Chulalongkorn Univ | Organic Chemistry
  13. Kanogwan Seraypheap, Dept of Botany, Chulalongkorn Univ | Horticulture
  14. Chanpen Chanchao, Dept of Biology, Chulalongkorn Univ | Entomology
  15. Natapot Warrit, Department of Biology, Chulalongkorn University | Bee Biodiversity
  16. Nontivich Tandavanitj, Department of Biology, Chulalongkorn University | Marine Reptile Ecology


  1. Nguyen Van Trang, Natl Inst of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Dept of Immunology | Immunology
  2. Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh, Preventive Medicine Center | medical related
  3. Pham Van Cuong, Hanoi Univ of Agriculture | Agriculture
  4. Xuan Nghiem, Dang, Dept of Mol Biol and Microbial Technology Hanoi Univ of Agriculture | Agriculture
  5. Do, Thi Phuc, Genetics Dept, Faculty of Biology, VNU | Agriculture
  6. Nguyen Quoc Trung, Dept of Biotechnology, Hanoi Univ of Agriculture | Agriculture
  7. Nguyen Phuong Thao, School of Biotechnology, International Univ | Biotechnology
  8. Nguyen Thi Thuy Hanh
  9. Nguyen Thuy Lien, Faculty of Biology, VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi | Freshwater Phycology