CBIS LM Core: UltraView Vox Spinning Disk

UltraView Vox Spinning Disk

Perkin Elmer

The UltraView VoX is an optimum system for live cell imaging. It consists of Yokogawa® CSU-X1 spinning disk head, EM-CCD camera, ProSync control box, photoKinesis unit, etc.

LocationCBIS Light Microscopy Core
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About the UltraView Vox Spinning Disk

A pair of rotating disks, pinhole disk, with thousands of pinholes and collector disk, with 20,000 microlenses, is housed in the scan unit. Light from the UltreView’s lasers, delivered by fiber optics into the scanning unit, illuminates a window of -1,000 of the 20,000 microlenses on the collector disk. Microlenese focus the laser light through the pinholes, and the objective lens focused laser light onto the sample.

The spinning of the disk caused the sample to be scanned by 1,000 points of light at once, i.e. multi-point illumination. Fluorescence emission from the sample passed back through the pinholes and the emission light is separated from excitation light by the dichroic mirror. The multi-point fluorescence emission is focused onto a CCD detector and read out as a single image.

Spinning disk confocal microscope collects multiple points simultaneously rather than scanning a single point at a time, which produces not only the high speed but also protect biological sample with a lower dose of laser light. With additional benefits from the EMCCD camera, the Ultraview spinning disk confocal is highly suitable for live cell imaging of weakly expressing samples which are prone to photobleaching.

  • Olympus IX 81 inverted microscope, with 400um range Piezo Z stage
  • Environmental chamber VoX Env. Chamb, with CO2, temperature (32C to 42C) and humidity control
  • Wide field light Source: coolLED pE excitation system (365nm, 470nm, 565nm, 635nm)
  • Ultraview Dichroic mirror:
    • Dichroic 1: 405/488/568/640
    • Dichroic 2: 405/440/514/640 (used for 640nm in FS)
    • Dichroic 3: 405/440/488
  • Ultraview filter wheel:
    • Position 2: for 488nm (single band)
    • Position 3 for 405nm and 561nm (dual band)
    • Position 4 for 440nm and 640nm (dual band)
    • Position 5 for 514nm
    • Position 9 for 405nm (single band)
    • Position 7: (FS) : 405/440/488/561
    • Position 8: (FS) : 405/440/515/640
  • Olympus UPLFLN 4x/0.13 Air
  • Olympus UPLNSAPO 10x/0.40 Air
  • Olympus UAPO N 20x/0.70 Water (stand-by)
  • Olympus UPlanSApo 20x/0.60 Air
  • Olympus UAPO N 340 40x/1.15 Water
  • Olympus UPLSAPO 60x/1.20 Water
  • Olympus UPlan SApO 100x/1.4 Oil
  • Solid state diode laser with Diode module: 405nm (50mW); 445nm (40mW); 640nm (40mW)
  • Solid state diode laser with DPSS module: 488nm (50mW); 514nm (25mW); 561nm (50mW)
  • Yokogawa high speed spinning disk CSU-X1-A3 scanner, scanning speed 1,500 ~ 5,000 rpm
  • EM CCD camera C9100-50 (Camera 1): 14-bit, 1K x 1K, cooled frame transfer electron multiplication CCD, 30 fps at full frame, 8µm X 8µm cell size
  • EM CCD camera C9100-13 (Camera 2): 16-bit, 512 x 512 pixel, dual read-out mode (EM-CCD read-out and normal CCD read-out mode), 32fps at full resolution, 16µm X 16µm cell size


  • Live cell imaging and high Speed imaging
  • Advanced F-techniques: FRAP, FRET