We Need You

Become a Volunteer

Are you ready to give back to DBS and be part of the history again in shaping the next phase of development for DBS? There are many ways of giving back in terms of volunteering time, your talent and resources. With your contributions, we hope to create a stronger and more meaningful partnership to nurture and inspire future students and alumni. Let us know your preferred area(s) to volunteer in.

With this community, we hope to bring DBS closer to you and your friends.

Together, we chart the next exciting path of discovery and development in DBS!

Make a difference by serving as a mentor to your juniors. This is a platform for our undergraduates to realize their potential through cultivation of professional as well as personal relationships with alumni mentors, who act as role models and provide guidance in terms of their personal and professional development. Through sharing of real-life insights and work experiences with your mentees, it equips and prepare them better as they venture into the workforce. This platform also provides opportunities to develop business contacts, access to industry information from experienced and successful alumni who have established themselves in their career.

We have engaged our alumni to conduct discretionary admissions interviews during our undergraduate admissions held in April/May each year. As an alumni of the Department, having gone through the rigour of our undergraduate programme and established success in your career, we recognise that your experience would be invaluable as you would be able to identify students who can make the cut for the programme. The alumni will be joined by other faculty in the series of interviews. Prior to that, you will be briefed on the interview process. We thus sincerely thank them for their invaluable contributions.

Class Ambassadors are supported by the department’s Resource Development, Outreach and Alumni Committee to encourage classmates to participate in the following:

1. Establish class connections and keep in touch with fellow alumni
2. Plan or host class reunion, gatherings and events

We are currently recruiting ambassadors for the following class years:
• 1970s
• 1980s
• 1990s
• 2000s
• 2010s

Do indicate you would be interested to be a class ambassador when you register to stay connected!

This a cosy interactive setting which the department will organize for alumni who are working in different fields such as research, industry, business and finance to share their experiences with undergraduates in what to expect in the real working world, tips in looking and landing a job, their opinions on the boundless opportunities and strengths Life Sciences graduates have .

If you are our alumni and is keen to contribute by in this aspect, you may register with us by indicating the area you would like to volunteer in.

If your organisation is offering internship opportunities, we extend an invitation for you to share the opportunities for the Department of Biological Sciences undergraduate students.

The internships opportunities aims to provide the exposure for students to the real-world working environment and experience and this would further complement their training we provide them at the department. At the same time, we want to partner with companies to provide invaluable human capital and our students can be part of your organisation’s talent acquisition pipeline. You may also be invited to share your experiences with students on matters such as what to look out for when choosing a firm for internships, how to structure internships to think about their future careers, what to expect at their internships, what they can do during an internship to make it a good experience for themselves before they embark on their internship opportunities.

The faculty of Science has recently launched a Named Science Merit Scholarship Fund and there are 2 existing funds to which you can consider giving your support to. If you do not wish to support a specific area in the department, you may choose to contribute to the “DBS General Fund” which enables our Head of Department to channel resources to where it is most needed.

Your gift to the Department of Biological Sciences will go a long way to help us meet our priorities—or designated specifically to support academic excellence, financial aid, student life, or sustainability. All gifts, be it donation or in-kind, are greatly appreciated which will be put to good cause in training and developing our students.
Currently we have the following Named Science Merit Scholarships

  1. A N Rao Scholarship
  2. Hew Choy Sin and Hew Choy Leong Scholarhips