Other sample preparation equipment
DBS/CBIS houses a FEI Helios Dual Beam in S1 Level 2. It has a focused ion beam (Ga) and electron beam (FEG) SEM. It is used for slice-and-view for large volume 3D tomography, up to several hundreds of microns.
DBS has a JEOL JSM 6510 SEM with a Tungsten filament that can be used for Low Vacuum / High Vacuum SEM for 0.5 to 30 KV. The magnification range available is from 5x to 300K times
The new TEM is equipped with field emission gun, high resolution cryo-pole-piece, in-column omega energy filter and Zernike phase plate, and latest electron DE-12 direct detector.
200kV, FEG, 4k x 4k Gatan Ultra-Scan CCD & Gatan Orius 2k x 2k
120kV, LaB6, 4k x 4k Gatan Ultra-Scan CCD & Gatan Orius 2k x 2k
300kV, FEG, 4k x 4k FEI-Falcon direct detector, and Gatan Tridiem GIF with 2k x 2k post-GIF Gatan CCD