CBIS LM Core: First Time Users

Trypanosoma brucei/sample prep by Cynthia He


STEP 1: Schedule an appointment for an initial assessment of your project. We will provide guidance on suitable techniques, instruments and training. We will also review the facility’s rates, policies and safety regulations.

STEP 2: Apply for a user account on the PPMS Online Booking System.

STEP 3: Prepare the following documents:

STEP 4: Log in to PPMS and navigate to the ‘Request’ tab to fill in the User Registration Form, upload completed documentation, and request training. Facility staff will then contact the user to schedule training.

STEP 5: Complete pre-training tutorials and prepare samples for use during training. 


PART I: DAY 1 (2 hours)
Facility staff will provide training on common protocols for image acquisition, data export and processing. New users will be provided with the opportunity to practice using their own samples under the supervision of facility staff.   

PART II: DAY 2 (1 hour)
The second day of training will reinforce previous training and provide the new user with the opportunity to  complete  an imaging experiment independently. Facility staff will then train on image optimisation. 


We will issue a Post Training email to users with details for joining the Confocal User contact group. Upon validation users will be granted access to trained systems, including door access, and will be able to use PPMS to book confocal systems for independent use. CBIS reserves the right to revoke a user’s status for failure to follow the facility’s regulations, causing damage to the instruments and/or for failing to pay their fees on time.


The CBIS Confocal Microscope Facility offers the use of its equipment at competitive rates. Find out more:

Information for First Time users
Policies and Fees


Centre for Bioimaging Sciences
Blk S1A, #03-07 and #01-01 (CBIS lab)
Lee Wee Kheng Building
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4, Singapore 117557

ext. 67202

View campus map


Tong Yan, Facility Manager