Minor in Bioinformatics


Updated 8 July 2024 – The core courses meant for the fulfillment of Minor in Bioinformatics have been regularised to ZB-prefixed codes.

LSM2241 Introductory Bioinformatics -> Re-code to ZB2101.
LSM3241 Genomic Data Analysis -> Re-code to ZB3101.
LSM2302 Computational Thinking for Life Sciences -> Re-code to ZB2201.

ZB2101 and ZB3101 do not serve as elective option for Life Sciences Major/Minor. ZB2201 does not serve as elective option for Life Sciences Major/Minor; it is an option for Digital Literacy for CHS Common Curriculum.

Updated 8 July 2024 – For Cohorts AY2019/2020 onwards, CS1010/CS1101S is not required as an essential course; it is regarded as an elective option. Student may choose between ZB2201/LSM2302 or CS1101S/CS1010 (or its variant) to fulfill the Minor. Please refer to the revised requirements for the Minor in Bioinformatics below.

The revised set of Minor requirements accommodates the previous set of requirements. Students who have been following the previous set of requirements are expected to fulfill the Minor.

Updated 8 July 2024 – Three courses have been added as elective options.

ZB2201/LSM2302 Computational Thinking for Life Sciences
LSM4231 Structural Biology
LSM4241 Functional Genomics

    Computational analysis of biological data is transforming biomedicine, environmental sciences, and biomedical engineering. In addition to their importance in the life sciences itself, bioinformatics and computational biology are also areas of increasing importance in the pharmaceutical sciences, applied computer science and computer engineering. The growth of these fields is fueled by advancements in high-throughput, data-rich technologies, none more so than new technologies in DNA sequencing. The Minor in Bioinformatics aims to address the growing need for computationally skilled graduates with skills broadly related to the life sciences.

    To be awarded the Minor, the following requirements (20 units) are to be fulfilled (for Cohorts AY2019/2020 onwards):

    Click on the course for its details at NUSMods. 

    1. Essential Courses – Pass all the following (Total 8 units)

    2. Elective Courses – Pass 3 of the following (Total 12 units)

    – At least one as either ZB2201/LSM2302 or CS1101S/CS1010 (or its variant).
    – At least one at Level 3000 or 4000.
    – At most two CS-prefixed courses.

      • Up to 8 units (i.e., two courses) may be double counted and used to meet (i) the Minor requirement and (ii) another requirement, e.g., General Education (only for students admitted from AY2021/2022 onwards), College (e.g., Common Curriculum), Faculty, Major, Second Major, Minor, Specialisation or other requirement, i.e., at least 12 units of the Minor must be distinct and not overlapping.
      • At least 12 units for any Minor must be taken from outside the entire set of courses that are listed for the major(s)/another minor that the student is taking/ has taken.
      • A minimum of 60% of the Minor requirements must be earned from courses read at NUS. Courses read at NUS include all courses taught, co-taught, supervised or co-supervised by NUS faculty member(s). These consist of graded courses or courses with an ‘S’ or ‘CS’ grade. The remaining units may be earned through credit transfers, advanced placement and exemptions, from courses deemed relevant to the particular Minor.


          This is an open Minor and is available to undergraduate students from all disciplines. The declaration to join the Minor should be made by the start of the fifth semester of the undergraduate candidature.

          Declaration is via EduRec. Please refer to the Academic Plan Application/Declaration (APAD) website for more details.

          For enquiry on Minor in Bioinformatics, you may contact the Programme Coordinator, Prof Greg Tucker-Kellogg dbsgtk@nus.edu.sg