package gpufitImFCS; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.file.Files; /** * NOTE: Code amended from original gpufit code to put all files into a single * Java file for ease of distribution or publishing the code online. * * Java binding for Gpufit, a Levenberg Marquardt curve fitting library written * in CUDA See, * * * Mirror of the C interface of Gpufit. Loads the Gpufit library and calls it * via JNI. On the Java side the arguments to Gpufit are bundled in a FitModel, * the results of the fit are bundled in a FitResult. The data arrays in * FitModel and FitResult are pre-allocated by us and need to be filled by the * user of this library accordingly. * * See the documentation of FitModel and FitResult as well as the examples. * * The ACF_1D function is a generalized function which can be used for fitting * auto and cross-correlation functions. The LINEAR_1D function is for * polynomial bleach correction fitting. */ public class GpufitImFCS { // NOTE: // VERSION of the used Gpufit library. // VERSION must be updated when .dll/.so files are changed so that they are placed in a new sub-folder named after this VERSION num in Fiji.App > jars. public static final String VERSION = "v1_0_0"; public static boolean IsOperatingSystemOK = false; public static boolean IsLoadingLibraryOK = false; private static final String CUBLASDLLFN = "cublas64_92.dll"; public static String ALERT; static { boolean IsWindows = false; boolean proceed = true; boolean hasError = false; String thisAlert = "NVIDIA GPU is not detected."; String libName = null; boolean writeToFijiAppJars = true; // For testing. Switch to false if we want the files only in temporary folder. try { // determine OS String osname = System.getProperty(""); String osnamelc = osname.toLowerCase(); boolean WriteToTempDir = true; // reference1: // reference2: // NOTE: the "/" before the file name. It indicates the current directory. String libDirPath = null; // reference: if (osnamelc.contains("win")) { libName = "agpufit.dll"; IsWindows = true; } else if ((osnamelc.contains("nix") || osnamelc.contains("nux")) || osnamelc.contains("aix")) { libName = ""; } else { proceed = false; thisAlert = "GPU mode is currently supported on Windows and Linux, with NVIDIA GPU."; } if (proceed) { IsOperatingSystemOK = true; File curr_dir = new File(System.getProperty("java.class.path")); File Fiji_jars_dir = curr_dir.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile(); if (writeToFijiAppJars && Fiji_jars_dir.canRead()) { // check if gpufitImFCS-cublas folder is present File tempdir = new File(Fiji_jars_dir.toString() + "/gpufitImFCS-cublas"); if (!(tempdir.exists() && tempdir.isDirectory())) { tempdir.mkdir(); } File gpufitImFCS_cublas_dir = new File(tempdir.toString() + "/" + VERSION); // File gpufitImFCS_cublas_dir = new File(Fiji_jars_dir.toString() + "/gpufitImFCS-cublas/" + VERSION); libDirPath = gpufitImFCS_cublas_dir.toString(); boolean Write_Cublas = IsWindows; boolean Write_library = true; if (gpufitImFCS_cublas_dir.exists() && gpufitImFCS_cublas_dir.isDirectory()) { // Directory exists. Check if the libraries are in the folder. if (IsWindows) { Write_Cublas = !(new File(gpufitImFCS_cublas_dir.toString() + "/" + CUBLASDLLFN).exists()); } Write_library = !(new File(gpufitImFCS_cublas_dir.toString() + "/" + libName).exists()); } else { gpufitImFCS_cublas_dir.mkdir(); } if (Fiji_jars_dir.canWrite()) { WriteToTempDir = false; if (Write_Cublas) { writeLibraryFile(gpufitImFCS_cublas_dir, CUBLASDLLFN, false); } if (Write_library) { writeLibraryFile(gpufitImFCS_cublas_dir, libName, false); } } else { WriteToTempDir = Write_Cublas || Write_library; } } if (WriteToTempDir) { // write files to temporary folder. File tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory("gpufitImFCS-lib").toFile(); tmpDir.deleteOnExit(); libDirPath = tmpDir.toString(); if (IsWindows) { writeLibraryFile(tmpDir, CUBLASDLLFN, true); } writeLibraryFile(tmpDir, libName, true); } if (IsWindows) { try { System.load(libDirPath + "/" + CUBLASDLLFN); } catch (Exception e) { thisAlert = "Unable to load " + CUBLASDLLFN + ". Please install CUDA Toolkit 9.2 or newer if it is not present on the computer."; System.out.println(thisAlert); } } // Proceed to load gpufit.dll. It may still work if user has Cuda Toolkit installed. System.load(libDirPath + "/" + libName); IsLoadingLibraryOK = true; } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { hasError = true; System.out.println("FileNotFoundException Error."); // ex.printStackTrace(System.out); // Logger.getLogger(GpufitImFCS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { hasError = true; System.out.println("IOException Error"); // ex.printStackTrace(System.out); // Logger.getLogger(GpufitImFCS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { hasError = true; System.out.println("Unsatisfied Link Error"); // ex.printStackTrace(System.out); // Logger.getLogger(GpufitImFCS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } // if OS is OK but encountered error loading libraries. if (proceed && hasError) { thisAlert = "Unable to load " + libName + "."; System.out.println(thisAlert); } ALERT = thisAlert; } private static void writeLibraryFile(File Directory, String LibName, Boolean DeleteOnExit) { try { //NOTE: include package name, which becomes the folder name in .jar file.' InputStream in = ClassLoader.class.getResourceAsStream("/gpufitImFCS/" + LibName); if (in == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Library " + LibName + " is not available"); } File temp = new File(Directory, LibName); if (DeleteOnExit) { temp.deleteOnExit(); } byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(temp)) { int read; //NOTE: other methods didn't work. the read = -1 seems important. Examples of other methods: // 1) length =; os.write(buffer, 0, length); // 2) while ((readBytes = > 0) { resStreamOut.write(buffer, 0, readBytes);} // 3) try (InputStream in = url.openStream()) { Files.copy(in, nativeLibTmpFile.toPath());} // 4) InputStream source = ClassLoader.class.getResourceAsStream("/"); File outfile = new File(tempdir, ""); FileOutputStream fos = new; while (source.available() > 0) { // write contents of 'is' to 'fos' fos.write(;} while ((read = != -1) { fos.write(buffer, 0, read); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from START /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Creates a direct ByteBuffer with the native Byte order, which is exactly * what we need to send and receive data arrays via JNI. * * @param length Desired number of elements in ByteBuffer * @return Direct ByteBuffer */ public static ByteBuffer allocateDirectByteBuffer(int length) { assertNotNegative(length, "Parameter length must be non-negative"); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(length); buffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); return buffer; } /** * Creates a FloatBuffer of a certain length backed up by a direct * ByteBuffer. * * @param length Desired number of elements in FloatBuffer * @return FloatBuffer backed by direct ByteBuffer */ public static FloatBuffer allocateDirectFloatBuffer(int length) { return allocateDirectByteBuffer(Float.BYTES * length).asFloatBuffer(); } /** * Creates an IntBuffer of a certain length backed up by a direct * ByteBuffer. * * @param length Desired number of elements in IntBuffer * @return IntBuffer backed by direct ByteBuffer */ public static IntBuffer allocateDirectIntBuffer(int length) { return allocateDirectByteBuffer(Integer.BYTES * length).asIntBuffer(); } /** * Ensures that an integer value is not negative. Throws a runtime exception * otherwise. * * @param value Integer value * @param message Error message */ public static void assertNotNegative(int value, String message) { if (!(value >= 0)) { throw new RuntimeException(message); } } /** * Ensures that a boolean is true. Throws a runtime exception otherwise. * * @param value Boolean value * @param message Error message */ public static void assertTrue(boolean value, String message) { if (!value) { throw new RuntimeException(message); } } /** * Ensures that an object reference passed as a parameter to the calling * method is not null. * * @param Type of the reference to be checked * @param reference Object reference * @return Non-null reference that was checked */ public static T verifyNotNull(T reference) throws NullPointerException { if (null == reference) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return reference; } /** * Adds a path to the java.library.path programmatically. * * See also: * * * @param path Path String to add to the java.library.path */ public static void addPathToJavaLibraryPath(String path) { // add path to system property String libraryPath = System.getProperty("java.library.path"); libraryPath += File.pathSeparator + path; System.setProperty("java.library.path", libraryPath); // clear field in class loader try { Field fieldSysPath = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField("sys_paths"); fieldSysPath.setAccessible(true); fieldSysPath.set(null, null); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Java Library Path addition failed."); } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from START /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from START /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Native method. More of less calls gpufit() in the gpufit C interface * directly. Used only internally. */ private static native int fit(int numberFits, int numberPoints, FloatBuffer data, FloatBuffer weights, int model_id, FloatBuffer initialParameters, float tolerance, int maxNumberIterations, int num_valid_coefs, IntBuffer parametersToFit, int estimatorID, int userInfoSize, FloatBuffer userInfo, FloatBuffer outputParameters, IntBuffer outputStates, FloatBuffer outputChiSquares, IntBuffer outputNumberIterations); /** * Use this method to perform a parallel fit of many single fits of the same * Function model and the same fit data size in parallel. The input is given * as a {@link FitModel}, the output as a {@link FitResult}. If null is * passed for fitResult, a new output structure is created, otherwise the * results overwrite the existent content (size is checked for compatibility * before). * * A call to Gpufit is performed. If an error is encountered, a runtime * exception is thrown. * * @param fitModel Fit data including the model * @param fitResult Fit result (could be old one which is reused) or null * @return Fit result */ public static FitResult fit(FitModel fitModel, FitResult fitResult) { // Should we reuse fitResult? if (null == fitResult) { fitResult = new FitResult(fitModel.numberFits, fitModel.model.numberParameters); } else { // check sizes fitResult.isCompatible(fitModel.numberFits, fitModel.model.numberParameters); } // call into native code to perform a fit long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); int status =, fitModel.numberPoints,, fitModel.weights,, fitModel.initialParameters, fitModel.tolerance, fitModel.maxNumberIterations, fitModel.num_valid_coefs, fitModel.parametersToFit,, fitModel.userInfo.capacity(), fitModel.userInfo, fitResult.parameters, fitResult.states, fitResult.chiSquares, fitResult.numberIterations); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); fitResult.fitDuration = (float) (t1 - t0) / 1000; // check status if (status != { String message = getLastError(); throw new RuntimeException(String.format("status = %s, message = %s", status, message)); } // return results return fitResult; } /** * Convenience method. Calls fit with only a FitModel. Returns the result. * * @param fitModel Fit data including the model * @return Fit result */ public static FitResult fit(FitModel fitModel) { return fit(fitModel, null); } /** * Native method. Returns a string representing the last error message from * Gpufit. * * @return The last error message from Gpufit. */ public static native String getLastError(); /** * Native method. Indicates if CUDA capability is available. * * @return True if available, false otherwise. */ private static native boolean isCudaAvailableInt(); public static boolean isCudaAvailable() { if (IsOperatingSystemOK && IsLoadingLibraryOK) { return isCudaAvailableInt(); } else { return false; } } /** * Native method. Gets the CUDA runtime and driver version as ints. Used * only internally. */ private static native int[] getCudaVersionAsArray(); /** * Gets the CUDA runtime and driver version as strings. * * Throws an exception if CUDA is not available. * * @return The CUDA version. */ public static CudaVersion getCudaVersion() { //String[] version = getOpenCLVersionAsArray(); int[] version = getCudaVersionAsArray(); if (null == version) { String message = getLastError(); throw new RuntimeException(message); } //For OpenCL //return new CudaVersion(version[0], version[1]); //For CUDA return new CudaVersion(versionAsString(version[0]), versionAsString(version[1])); } /** * Special conversion for our versions from Integer to String. The * convention is that the integer is major version * 1000 + minor version * * 10. * * @param version An integer version. * @return A version string. */ private static String versionAsString(int version) { return String.format("%d.%d", version / 1000, (version % 1000) / 10); } /** * The status of a call to the Gpufit routines (see Gpufit documentation for * details). Used only internally. */ private enum Status { OK(0), ERROR(-1); final int id; Status(int id) { = id; } } public static class ACFParameters { public int width; //output width public int height; //output height public int win_star; // w output x pixbinX + cfXdistance public int hin_star; // h output x pixbinY + cfYdistance public int w_temp; // win_star - pixbinX + 1 public int h_temp; // hin_start - pixbinY + 1 public int pixbinX; public int pixbinY; public int binningX; // binning in X axis public int binningY; // binning in Y axis public int firstframe; public int lastframe; public int framediff; public int cfXDistance; public int cfYDistance; public double correlatorp; public double correlatorq; public double frametime; public int background; public double mtab1; // mtab[1], used to calculate blocknumgpu. public double mtabchanumminus1; // mtab[chanum-1], used to calculate pnumgpu[counter_indexarray] public double sampchanumminus1; // samp[chanum-1], used to calculate pnumgpu[counter_indexarray] public int chanum; public boolean isNBcalculation; public boolean bleachcorr_gpu; public int bleachcorr_order; public int nopit; public int ave; public ACFParameters() { } } /** * Native method. Reset gpu by running cudaDeviceReset function */ public static native void resetGPU(); /** * Native method. Get data bleach correction given the 1D pixels values. * * @param pixels 1D float array of pixels values * @param outdata output data, by reference. * @param ACFInputParams Values nopit, ave, cfXDistance, cfYDistance, width * and height are required */ public static native void calcDataBleachCorrection(float[] pixels, float[] outdata, ACFParameters ACFInputParams); /** * Native method. Find if GPU memory is sufficient to perform binning. * * @param ACFInputParams Object that encapsulates / stores the necessary * input values. * @return true is memory is sufficient, false otherwise. */ public static native boolean isBinningMemorySufficient(ACFParameters ACFInputParams); /** * Native method. Do binning given a 1D array. * * @param indata 1D float array. Dimension win_star = w_out x pixbinX + * cfXDistance, hin_star = h_out x pixbinY + cfYDistance * @param outdata output data, by reference. * @param ACFInputParams Values pixbinX, pixbinY are required. */ public static native void calcBinning(float[] indata, float[] outdata, ACFParameters ACFInputParams); /** * Native method. Indicates if memory is sufficient to run calcacf2 and * calcacf3 calcacf3 will be executed first, then some pointers will be * freed before running calcacf2. * * @param ACFInputParams Object that encapsulates/stores the necessary input * values. * @return true if memory is sufficient, false otherwise. */ public static native boolean isACFmemorySufficient(ACFParameters ACFInputParams); public static native void calcACF(float[] pixels, double[] pixels1, double[] blockvararray, double[] NBmeanGPU, double[] NBcovarianceGPU, double[] blocked1D, double[] bleachcorr_params, double[] samp, int[] lag, ACFParameters ACFInputParams); public static native void resetDevice(); /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from END /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from START /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public static class CudaVersion { public final String runtime, driver; public CudaVersion(String runtime, String driver) { this.runtime = runtime; this.driver = driver; } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from END /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from START /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public enum Estimator { /** * Least-squares estimator */ LSE(0), /** * Poisson maximum likelihood estimator */ MLE(1); public final int id; Estimator(int id) { = id; } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from END /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from START /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * @param numberFits * @param numberPoints * @param withWeights * @param model * @param tolerance * @param maxNumberIterations * @param num_valid_coefs * @param parametersToFit * @param estimator * @param userInfoSize * @return * */ // To make public FitModel function. public static FitModel FitModel(int numberFits, int numberPoints, boolean withWeights, Model model, Float tolerance, Integer maxNumberIterations, Integer num_valid_coefs, Boolean[] parametersToFit, Estimator estimator, int userInfoSize) { return new FitModel(numberFits, numberPoints, withWeights, model, tolerance, maxNumberIterations, num_valid_coefs, parametersToFit, estimator, userInfoSize); } public static class FitModel { /** * Number of fits, i.e. number of independent data sets */ public final int numberFits; /** * Number of data points per fit */ public final int numberPoints; /** * Buffer holding the data */ public final FloatBuffer data; /** * Buffer holding the data weights (or null) */ public final FloatBuffer weights; /** * Fit function model enum */ public final Model model; /** * Initial value of parameters for each data set */ public final FloatBuffer initialParameters; /** * Minimal fit tolerance. */ public final float tolerance; /** * Maximal number of iterations per data set. */ public final int maxNumberIterations; /** * Max number of coefficients to fit. Used mainly for linear_1d * polynomial fit. */ public final int num_valid_coefs; /** * Indication which parameters should be fitted (value 1) and which * should be kept constant (value 0). */ public final IntBuffer parametersToFit; /** * Fit estimator enum */ public final Estimator estimator; /** * Additional user info (optional). */ public final FloatBuffer userInfo; /** * Provide a number of input arguments for the fit. * * Indicate if weights or userInfo is needed by passing withWeights true * and userInfoSize is larger than zero. * * Sets default values for tolerance, maxNumberIterations, * parametersToFit and estimator if these parameters are passed as null. * * Fill data, weights (if needed), initialParameters and userInfo (if * needed) afterwards with values. * * @param numberFits Number of fits * @param numberPoints Number of data points per fit * @param withWeights If True, weights will be pre-allocated, otherwise * not * @param model Fit model enum * @param tolerance Fit tolerance (if null, a default value is chosen) * @param maxNumberIterations Maximal number of iterations per fit (if * null, a default value is chosen) * @param num_valid_coefs Max number of coefficients to fit. Used mainly * for linear_1d polynomial fit. * @param parametersToFit For each parameter indicates if it should be * fit (true) or kept constant (false). If null all parameters are fit * by default. * @param estimator Fit estimator enum (if null, a default value is * chosen) * @param userInfoSize If positive, userInfo is pre-allocated with * userInfoSize as capacity, otherwise not */ public FitModel(int numberFits, int numberPoints, boolean withWeights, Model model, Float tolerance, Integer maxNumberIterations, Integer num_valid_coefs, Boolean[] parametersToFit, Estimator estimator, int userInfoSize) { this.numberFits = numberFits; this.numberPoints = numberPoints; = allocateDirectFloatBuffer(numberFits * numberPoints); this.weights = withWeights ? allocateDirectFloatBuffer(numberFits * numberPoints) : null; this.model = verifyNotNull(model); this.initialParameters = allocateDirectFloatBuffer(numberFits * model.numberParameters); this.tolerance = tolerance == null ? 1e-4f : tolerance; this.maxNumberIterations = maxNumberIterations == null ? 25 : maxNumberIterations; this.num_valid_coefs = num_valid_coefs; this.parametersToFit = allocateDirectIntBuffer(model.numberParameters); if (null == parametersToFit) { // fill with ones for (int i = 0; i < model.numberParameters; i++) { this.parametersToFit.put(1); } } else { // fill with given values for (int i = 0; i < model.numberParameters; i++) { this.parametersToFit.put(parametersToFit[i] ? 1 : 0); } } this.estimator = estimator == null ? Estimator.LSE : estimator; this.userInfo = allocateDirectFloatBuffer(Math.max(0, userInfoSize)); } public void reset() { data.clear(); weights.clear(); initialParameters.clear(); parametersToFit.clear(); userInfo.clear(); } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from END /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from START /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public static class FitResult { /** * Values of resulting fit parameters for each data set. */ public final FloatBuffer parameters; /** * Ids of the fit results (@see FitResult) */ public final IntBuffer states; /** * Final ChiĀ² for each fit */ public final FloatBuffer chiSquares; /** * Used number of iterations for each fit */ public final IntBuffer numberIterations; /** * Duration of fit in seconds. */ public float fitDuration; /** * Given the number of fits and the number of parameters of the fit * model, pre-allocates memory for the fit results. * * @param numberFits Number of fits in the call to * @param numberParameters Number of parameters of the model */ public FitResult(int numberFits, int numberParameters) { parameters = allocateDirectFloatBuffer(numberFits * numberParameters); states = allocateDirectIntBuffer(numberFits); chiSquares = allocateDirectFloatBuffer(numberFits); numberIterations = allocateDirectIntBuffer(numberFits); } /** * Checks where the sizes of the existing member variables is consistent * with a given number of fits and number of parameters of the fit * model. Required when re-using an instance between different runs of * the fit. * * @param numberFits Number of fits in the call to * @param numberParameters Number of parameters of the model */ public void isCompatible(int numberFits, int numberParameters) { assertTrue(parameters.capacity() == numberFits * numberParameters, "Expected different size of parameters"); assertTrue(states.capacity() == numberFits, "Expected different size of states"); assertTrue(chiSquares.capacity() == numberFits, "Expected different size of chiSquares"); assertTrue(numberIterations.capacity() == numberFits, "Expected different size of numberIterations"); } public void reset() { parameters.clear(); states.clear(); chiSquares.clear(); numberIterations.clear(); } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from END /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from START /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public enum FitState { /** * Converged within the given tolerance */ CONVERGED(0), /** * Maximum number of iterations exceeded */ MAX_ITERATIONS(1), /** * Singular Hessian */ SINGULAR_HESSIAN(2), /** * Negative curvature in the MLE */ NEG_CURVATURE_MLE(3), /** * GPU not ready */ GPU_NOT_READY(4); /** * Id is the same as the output of the Gpufit fit. */ private final int id; FitState(int id) { = id; } /** * Retrieves the enum corresponding to a certain id. * * Throws a runtime exception if the id is unknown. * * @param id An id of a FitState (for example the output of the fit * routines). * @return An FitState enum member as defined above. */ public static FitState fromID(int id) { for (FitState fitState : values()) { if ( == id) { return fitState; } } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown id"); } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from END /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from START /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * */ public enum Model { // ACF_1D function is a generalized function which can be used for fitting auto and cross-correlation functions. // LINEAR_1D function is for polynomial bleach correction fitting. GAUSS_2D(1, 5), ACF_1D(2, 20), LINEAR_1D(3, 11); public final int id, numberParameters; Model(int id, int numberParameters) { = id; this.numberParameters = numberParameters; } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * from END /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ }