Prakash Kumar Induction of adventitious shoot buds from cultured explants is an important technique used in biotechnological improvement of plants. Our main research focus areas come under physiological and molecular regulation of shoot development as well as organogenesis in plant tissue culture. We use rice and Arabidopsis as experimental systems.


We are part of a major collaborative project on rice to examine aspects related to crop improvement. Our work on Arabidopsis is centered around shoot development and phytohormone signal transduction (special focus on cytokinin and gibberellins). Findings from our work on a cytokinin binding protein (ortholog of HOG1 gene in rice, namely, OsCBP gene) have been applied to rice. Antisense suppression of OsCBP gene caused over twofold increase in tillering and grain yield. We are currently studying several new rice mutants that show altered phenotypes in useful traits such as salt tolerance, increased tillering.


Additionally, we are studying regulation of salt uptake (ultrafiltration at the roots) and the salt secretion mechanism in mangrove plants. Special focus is on the salt gland function in the mangrove tree Avicennia officinalis.


We hope that the results of our long-term research projects will be useful for crop improvement. Moreover, our work will contribute towards a better understanding of the complex process of vegetative growth of plants.