

In transition for the start of LSM4288 and discontinuation of LSM4199. The information here is applicable to both unless otherwise stated.

For Life Sciences Major Admissions Cohorts AY2021/2022 onwards, please refer to LSM4288.
For Life Sciences Major Admissions Cohorts AY2020/2021 and earlier, please refer to LSM4199.


Information for Students and Supervisors

The term ‘Life Sciences’ (LS) refers to the following six Departments teaching the Life Sciences Major and their academic staff members:


LSM4288 Research Project Registration for AY2024/25 Semester 1 (also applicable to LSM4199)

List of Eligible Supervisors
Project Registration Online Form (for Project Supervisors only)
Project Listing

Students planning to start LSM4288 (and LSM4199) projects in AY2024/25 Semester 1, please approach your project supervisor to register for the project. The project listing will be updated regularly.

Project registration to be done by 2 August 2024.


LSM4288/LSM4199 Administrator
Mr Lim Miah Kyan 


LSM4288/LSM4199 Committee of Coordinators

Department Academic Coordinators Contact
Anatomy Dr Jai Santosh Polepalli
Biochemistry Dr Long Yun Chau
Biological Sciences Assoc Prof Lau On Sun
Microbiology and Immunology Dr Jaishree Tripathi
Pharmacology Assoc Prof Gautam Sethi
Physiology Assoc Prof Thai Tran
Assoc Prof Ling Shuo-Chien


Advisory Pre-requisites

Student is expected to have completed Levels 1000 and 2000 essential and elective requirements for Life Sciences Major and to conduct the project with certain advanced elective knowledge in life sciences. Preferably at least Year 3 or senior.

Course Code Variants

There are two course code variants for LSM4288, one for each specialisation.
– LSM4288M – Specialisation in Biomedical Science
– LSM4288E – Specialisation in Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity


Two regular semesters.

Each student works on a research project under the supervision of a LS academic staff as the main supervisor. The requirements for a Life Sciences Major specialisation involves choosing a project for that specialisation. The experimental work, project presentation and thesis write-up must be completed within two regular semesters. The 8 units of LSM4288 will be equally distributed between the two regular semesters; LSM4288 takes up 4 units of workload per semester. The total 8 units will be credited to the academic record when a grade is received for LSM4288.

LSM4288 Cohort Naming

Each LSM4288 batch will be named after the academic year and semester that the project officially begins. For instance, the LSM4288 cohort, which officially registers for projects in Academic Year 2023/24 Semester 1, will be termed LSM4288 Cohort AY23/24 S1.

The LSM4288 cohort starting projects in Semester 1 will end in Semester 2 of the same academic year. The LSM4288 cohort starting projects in Semester 2 will end in the Semester 1 of the following academic year.


Fulfillment of requirements of Life Sciences Major at BSc standard (i.e., Levels 1000, 2000 and 3000 Major Requirements), and obtained a minimum GPA of 3.20 on completion of at least 100 units.


Two regular semesters.

Each student works on a research project under the supervision of a LS academic staff as the main supervisor. The requirements for a Life Sciences Major specialisation involves choosing a project for that specialisation. The experimental work, project presentation and thesis write-up must be completed within two regular semesters. The total 16 units of LSM4199 will be equally distributed between the two regular semesters; LSM4199 takes up 8 units of workload per semester. The total 16 units will be credited to the academic record when a grade is received for LSM4199.

LSM4199 Cohort Naming

Each LSM4199 cohort will be named after the academic year and semester that the project officially begins. For instance, the LSM4199 cohort, which officially registers for projects in Academic Year 2020/21 Semester 1, will be termed LSM4199 Cohort AY20/21 S1.

The LSM4199 cohort starting projects in Semester 1 will end in Semester 2 of the same academic year. The LSM4199 cohort starting projects in Semester 2 will end in the Semester 1 of the following academic year.

  1. To be eligible as a project main supervisor, he/she has to be an academic staff member, full-time, joint or adjunct, to the LS departments. Please visit the LSM4199 website for the list of eligible supervisors.
  2. Each main supervisor may host up to THREE students. This student quota is applicable to one LSM4288/LSM4199 cohort each time.
  3. Students may proactively approach LS academic staff eligible as main supervisors to seek project opportunities. There is no window when students may do so. Please visit the websites of the six LS departments to find out more about the academic staff member. Ensure the staff is listed as an eligible supervisor. Students may view available projects at LSM4199 website during the project registration period.
  4. Students should contact potential supervisors to discuss the project opportunities. Declare the specialisations during the discussion to give a better picture on whether the projects would be appropriate for the students’ study tracks.
  5. Projects for Life Sciences Majors are to be indicated with one of the Life Sciences Major specialisations.
  6. Projects for students in the BES (Bachelor of Environmental Studies) programme are to be tagged BES.
  1. LS academic staff members eligible as main supervisors may submit projects during the announced windows. It can be done before it is taken up by a student or after an agreement has been made with a student to offer a project specifically for him/her.
  2. After both main supervisor and student have agreed on a research project, the student should provide the main supervisor with the official student’s name and student number (i.e., A0123456X) to complete the project registration.
  3. The main supervisor and student will mutually agree on the exact date to commence the project work.
  1. Every main supervisor is directly responsible for the supervision of the project offered by him/her and the student registered under his/her account, and this responsibility cannot be transferred to postdoctoral or postgraduate members of the research group. Nonetheless, the help of laboratory staff and senior students may be recruited as mentors. The final responsibility still lies with the main supervisor.
  2. Main supervisor is responsible for:
    1. The supervision of his/her registered student and the project progress.
    2. The project registration.
    3. The nomination of examiners for his/her registered student (if requested).
    4. The participation as examiner for research projects assigned by the department which covers project presentation and thesis assessment.
    5. The assessment of the performance of his/her registered student.
    6. The submission of all the marks by the stipulated deadlines.
  3. When encounter issues concerning research projects, the main supervisor should seek the assistance of the Department research project coordinator for LSM4288/LSM4199.
  4. In case of unresolved issue between the main supervisor and student, it should then be presented to the Department research project coordinator for LSM4288/LSM4199, who will decide on the appropriate actions to be taken.
  1. Students will be assessed on their general work performance during the term of the project by their main supervisors. Each student will also be assessed by two examiners on the project report and presentation.
  2. The report submission will be on a stipulated date late March (typically Week 10 of Semester 2) and late October (typically Week 10 of Semester 1) for Semester 1 and Semester 2 project cohorts respectively. 
  3. The project presentation will take place during a stipulated window (typically Weeks 11-13) in October/November in Semester 1 and March/April in Semester 2 for respective project cohorts.
  4. In the event a student is unable to meet the assessment timeline, the student and his/her main supervisor will have to inform the Department research project coordinator for LSM4288/LSM4199. This will be reviewed on a case-by case basis for the appropriate action.