Minor in Forensic Science


Updated 5 April 2024 – For Cohorts AY2021/2022 onwards, FSC3101 is not required as an essential course; it is regarded as an elective option. The gateway FSC2101 remains as the only essential course. Please refer to the updated requirements for the Minor in Forensic Science.

Updated 5 April 2024 – HS2916 Love That Kills: A Criminal Justice Perspective is added as an elective option.

    The Minor in Forensic Science aims to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles behind the application of scientific techniques to forensic investigations and to the criminal justice system. Advances in basic scientific research have had a rapid and dramatic impact in these fields and it is only through an understanding of these fundamental scientific concepts that the legal system may be effective in criminal investigations. This Minor offers a strong complementary training in criminal justice to students from all disciplines. Undergraduates from all Faculties/Schools are welcome to apply.

    To be awarded the Minor, the following requirements are to be fulfilled:

    Minor in Forensic Science Requirements
    (For Cohorts AY2020/2021 and earlier)
    Minor in Forensic Science Requirements (Updated)
    (For Cohorts AY2021/2022 onwards)

    Essential Courses – Pass all of the following.

    • FSC2101/LSM1306 Forensic Science
    • FSC3101/SP3202 Evidence in Forensic Science
    • FSC4208/CM3301 Advanced Forensic Science

    Essential Course – Pass FSC2101 Forensic Science.

    Elective Courses – Pass 8 units (for Cohorts AY2019/20 and AY2020/21) / 12 units (for Cohorts AY2018/19 and earlier) from the following, subject to:
    a) A maximum of 4 units from Level 1000 courses in the list.
    b) A minimum of 4 units from Level 4000 courses in the list (for Cohorts AY17/18 onwards).

    • FSC4201 Articulating Probability and Statistics in Court
    • FSC4202 Forensic Human Identification
    • FSC4203 Forensic Toxicology and Poisons
    • FSC4205 Criminalistics: Authenticity, Fraud and Counterfeit
    • FSC4206 Advanced Criminal Litigation – Forensics on Trial [5 units]
    • FSC4207 Forensic Entomology
    • CM2101 Physical Chemistry 2 OR 
      CM3131 Applications of Physical Chemistry
    • CM3242 Instrumental Analysis II
    • LSM1102/LSM2105 Molecular Genetics
    • LSM3211 Fundamental Pharmacology
    • PC1141 Introduction to Classical Mechanics; OR
      PC1431 Physics IE
    • PR1110/A Foundations in Medicinal Chemistry
    • PR3116 Concepts in Pharmacokinetics & Biopharmaceutics
    • ST2334 Probability and Statistics; OR
      MA2116/MA2216/ST2131 Probability
    • CM/FST/LSM/MA/PC/PR/ST/ZB3288 Advanced UROPS I (forensic science related)

    Elective Courses – Pass four courses from the following.

    • FSC3101 Evidence in Forensic Science
    • FSC4201 Articulating Probability and Statistics in Court
    • FSC4202 Forensic Human Identification
    • FSC4203 Forensic Toxicology and Poisons
    • FSC4205 Criminalistics: Authenticity, Fraud and Counterfeit
    • FSC4206 Advanced Criminal Litigation – Forensics on Trial [5 units]
    • FSC4207 Forensic Entomology
    • FSC4208 Advanced Forensic Science
    • CM/FST/LSM/MA/PC/PR/ST/ZB3288 Advanced UROPS I (forensic science related)
    • HS2916 Love That Kills: A Criminal Justice Perspective



    • Up to 8 units (i.e., two courses) may be double counted and used to meet (i) the Minor requirement and (ii) another requirement, e.g., General Education (only for students admitted from AY2021/2022 onwards), College (e.g., Common Curriculum), Faculty, Major, Second Major, Minor, Specialisation or other requirement, i.e., at least 12 units of the Minor must be distinct and not overlapping.


    This is a restricted Minor and application is open to undergraduate students from all disciplines. Applicants should have passed or are reading FSC2101 and have obtained or expecting a good grade for the course, and preferably a GPA of at least 3.5. Successful entry to the Minor is subject to approval. The application to join the Minor should be made by the start of the fifth semester of the undergraduate candidature.

    Application is via EduRec. Please refer to the Academic Plan Application/Declaration (APAD) website for more details. There is only one intake each AY at the end of Semester 1, to join at the following Semester 2.

    To join the Minor in Semester 2 of AY2023/24, please submit the application when the APAD cycle opens 17 to 26 November 2023 (i.e., the reading week). Guide to APAD application available here.

    For enquiry on Minor in Forensic Science, you may contact the Programme Coordinator, Assoc Prof Stella Tan dbstwls@nus.edu.sg.


    Specially designed courses for Minor in Forensic Science

    Crime is one feature of human behaviour that fascinates our community. How crimes impact our society and how crimes are investigated and solved in the Singapore context is the focus of the course. The course is designed to enable students to appreciate why and how crimes are committed, to understand how crimes are solved in Singapore using investigative, and the latest scientific and forensic techniques, and to learn the role of the major stakeholders in the Criminal Justice System. Experts from law, pharmacy, statistics, the Health Sciences Authority and the Singapore Police Force will cover topics related to forensic science.

    This course introduces concepts in crime scene processing, criminal law, evidence and court procedures. It teaches processing of crime scenes and evidence gathering. Topics such as crime scene protocols, recognition, collection and preservation of evidence are covered. Skills such as presenting forensic evidence in court and fundamental court craft are taught.

    Probability and statistics provide powerful tools for quantifying the weight of forensic evidence. These quantities often come along with associated assumptions and need to be interpreted and articulated in a manner that is easily understood. Students will learn the necessary probability and statistical techniques in quantifying forensic evidence and error evaluation metrics. The fallacies and errors in interpreting results of selected forensic topics such as paternity testing and representative drug sampling will be covered. Additionally, students will learn the art of articulating these quantitative findings to non-scientists through real case studies involving DNA evidence, illegal drugs, forensic toxicology and criminalistics.

    Ever wondered how DNA Evidence makes its way from the crime scene to the courtroom? This course is delivered in an interactive seminar-style format, where students will experience first-hand challenges and practical usage relating to Forensic DNA Evidence. Students will undergo practicals to learn the entire chain of forensic DNA techniques, from collection, characterisation, and storage to processing DNA Evidence. Students will also play the role of expert witnesses for the prosecution or defence based on evidence gathered at mock trials. Students will appreciate the importance of DNA as part of a toolkit used for individualisation in forensic investigations.

    Ever wondered how much of the coffee you consumed is subsequently metabolised? Find out using forensic toxicology! This multi-disciplinary course aims to support medical and legal investigation into the cause of death, poisoning and adverse responses to substances. Drawing from the foundational principles in toxicokinetics, students will be able to (1) study the physicochemical properties of substances and their effect(s) on the host and (2) consider the toxicological outcomes of exposure due to the unique handling of substances by organ systems. The lectures will conclude with real-life applications led by practitioners.

    Forgery is a perennial problem and exists everywhere – in fake jewellery, counterfeit medications, fake death to scam insurance, fake signatures. The question this course seeks is how we use forensic science to expose forgery for justice to be meted out. Students will learn fundamental scientific concepts and will apply them in case studies, such as establishing anachronism in cheques and wills; determining whether the person is dead or alive when an insurance payout for his death was made and if the gold bars which were stolen were indeed gold.

    Criminal law does not exist in a vacuum. Forensic evidence can support the elements of a charge, such as drink-driving, rape and drugs consumption. Forensic evidence can also serve as objective evidence to decide who is telling the truth in a he say-she say situation. Forensic scientists can play a significant role by presenting evidence in a trial, and effective trial lawyers should be equipped with the skills and knowledge to manage, present, and challenge forensic evidence. This course serves to equip students with effective communication and analytical skills to present and handle forensic evidence in courts.

    This course introduces students to forensic entomology, the study of insects for medicolegal issues, which has been dated back to China in the 13th century. Studying these forensically important insects is useful in estimating post-mortem intervals. Legal implications will be explored using various case studies. A 5-day field course is incorporated and will be conducted by the forensic entomologist expert in Medical Faculty, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kuala Lumpur. Students will also visit the Entomology Unit and the Forensic Laboratory in KL. Students will observe the progression of decomposition and be exposed to the different families of forensically important flies.

    This course covers forensic identification, criminalistics, DNA profiling, narcotics and toxicology. Topics on forensic identification and criminalistics includes crime scene investigation, nature of physical evidence, characteristics of evidence, an in-depth study of glass and fibre as sources of evidence in criminalistics investigations. For DNA profiling, this course would focus on screening methods for biological materials, the various instrumentation platforms and the application of forensic DNA in Singapore crime cases. In narcotics, the topics covered include forensic drug analysis and legislation, clandestine drug manufacturing, drug metabolism and analysis of urine for drug abuse. For toxicology, an in-depth study of toxicological analysis will be covered.