
Our Mission

The Department is committed to provide insights into university education and a taste of what the Life Sciences has to offer.

Tapping on our expertise, a wide variety of programs are routinely offered each year. Our programs include outreach talks on topics stemming from research in our core disciplines Biophysical Sciences; Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology; and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology — and workshops customized for Pre-university students seeking an early start in life science research. Topics of special interest can also be arranged upon request. 

Come explore the Life Sciences with us today!

Our Programs

Contact us

For all enquiries on our outreach programs, please contact

Ambert Ang (Mr)

Phone: +65 65162711
Email: DBS_outreach@nus.edu.sg


Soh Ling Hui (Ms)

Phone: +65 6601 8867
Email: DBS_outreach@nus.edu.sg