Our Mission
The Department is committed to provide insights into university education and a taste of what the Life Sciences has to offer.
Tapping on our expertise, a wide variety of programs are routinely offered each year. Our programs include outreach talks on topics stemming from research in our core disciplines — Biophysical Sciences; Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology; and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology — and workshops customized for Pre-university students seeking an early start in life science research. Topics of special interest can also be arranged upon request.
Additionally, the Department also offers various summer programs for undergraduates and we encourage international students looking to enter graduate school to explore these programs with us.
Come explore the Life Sciences with us today!
Our Local Programs
Our Summer Programs
These programs are open to international undergraduate students. For more details about each program, please click on respective links.

Amgen Scholars Asia Program
Supported by the Amgen Foundation, this program sees undergraduates aspiring to continue in post graduate studies, embark on a project in biotechnology or biomedical science over a 2-month long research attachment. This program is base on individual applications and eligible to current undergraduates from an Asian university only. Click for more details.

Summer Course: Chemistry of Life
This two-week intensive course is designed to introduce students to cutting-edge biological knowledge and techniques used in research labs and industries. This program is eligible to current undergraduates enrolled in an accredited university. Click for more details.

NUS Science Summer Institute
The NUS SSI is a landmark initiative to bring together senior undergraduates from the Asia Pacific for an intensive Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) experience to update them on the frontiers of scientific R&D. Our Department helms the Biology Track. This program is base on individual applications and eligible to current undergraduates only. Click for more details.
Contact us
For all enquiries on our outreach programs, please contact
Ambert Ang (Mr)
Phone: +65 65162711
Email: DBS_outreach@nus.edu.sg