Outreach Talk – Low Yi Lian

Can we beat Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) using scientific knowledge in conjunction with communication efforts? 

Ms Low Yi Lian & Dr Lim Xin Xiang

Mid – End June 2023

Viruses are all around us and humans have co-existed with all forms of viruses for millions of years. It is a constant war between all life forms against these virulent agents. While Science plays a major role in elucidating the biological nature of these viruses, communication efforts aim to instill good hygiene behaviors for the purpose of warding off viral infections. Are we then better at preventing ourselves, including our children, against the disease with existing knowledge and hygiene practices?

In this talk, we will be zooming into a group of viruses that cause Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) by looking at their structures and what these viruses do to our bodies. We will also share our findings about Singaporeans’ understandings about the disease and some of the challenges that were faced by parents while adopting good hygiene practices.

For enquiries, please contact:

Mr Ambert Ang
Phone: +65  65162711
Email: DBS_outreach@nus.edu.sg