Protein and Proteomics Centre


The Protein and Proteomics Centre (PPC) is a multi-user core facility, focused on advanced research in proteins and mass spectrometry services. Our areas of expertise include biomarker discovery, proteomics, quantitative proteomics, and structural mass spectrometry (Amide Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange MS). PPC works closely with academic and industrial partners in biomedical research.

PPC is also the leading unit and headquarters of SingMass, the Singapore National Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry. SingMass is a national platform for MS services and solutions, supported under the Shared Infrastructure Support grant from the National Research Foundation (NRF). Bringing together three established core MS facilities (PPC, NUS; SLING, NUS; FPL, A*STAR), SingMass aims to integrate complementary expertise and offer a one-point access for cutting edge MS and omics solutions to both academia and industry in Singapore and beyond.

Our Mission

Our goal is to provide state-of-the-art MS services and expertise while expanding MS applications across the Life Sciences spanning biology, chemistry and pharmacy. We aim to build on our status as the Waters World Centre of Innovation in HDXMS and the SCIEX Regional Centre of Distinction to other areas of mass spectrometry applications through partnerships with individual researchers and industrial collaborations.


  • In-gel protein identification
    Identification of proteins from gel bands/spots

  • Shotgun protein identification
    Identification of proteins in solution from complex protein mixtures (e.g. cell lysates, co-immunoprecipitation experiments)

  • Molecular weight determination
    Determining molecular weight of intact protein in solution

  • Post-translational modifications
    Identify protein post-translation modifications (e.g. phosphorylation, ubiquitination, sumoylation, etc.)


  • Phosphoproteomics
    Proteome phosphorylation identification and analysis

  • Protein structure, dynamics and interaction
    Amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange MS (HDXMS)

  • Quantitative proteomics
    Unbiased comparative quantification of proteomes using label-based (iTRAQ) or label-free (SWATH) technologies

  • Targeted MS
    Relative/absolute quantification of target proteins/molecules using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)


QTrap 6500 System (SCIEX)

TripleTOF 6600 System (SCIEX)

TripleTOF 5600 System (SCIEX)

Synapt G2Si High Definition MS (Waters)

Sending samples for Proteomics applications/services

For Proteomics applications, please provide us with some background information using the sample forms below and send it to dbsbox32@nus.edu.sg.  

Sample information form, internal (Dept. of Biological Sciences or NUS)
Sample information form, external (Outside NUS)

For other applications, please contact us for more details.

Our Team

Qingsong LIN, PhD

SingMass Lead PI

Teck Kwang LIM

Scientific Manager,
PPC Manager

Xianhui WANG

Senior Lab Technologist

Qifeng LIN, PhD

Senior Research Fellow,
SingMass Senior Scientist

Xin Shan LIM, PhD

Research Fellow,
SingMass Scientist

Xin Ee YONG, PhD

Research Fellow,
SingMass Scientist


Research Assistant

Robbi'atul 'Adawiyah BINTI JAAFAR

Research Assistant

Renee CHIN

Research Assistant

Service Charges

(effective from May, 2023)
All prices in SGD (for commercial), academic/bulk discounts or customised analyses may be available upon discussion

  • Proteomics LC ESI-MS $110 - 165 / hour

    Unit charge for LCMS analysis only

  • Proteomics Sample Processing $110 / sample

    Trypsin digestion and desalting only

  • Protein extraction $110 / sample

    Sample lysis, protein quantification using colourimetric assays, validation using SDS-PAGE

  • In-gel protein identification $330 - 440 / sample

    Protein identification from Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE gel bands or spots (per band/spot basis)

  • Shotgun proteomics profiling $440 - 1100 / sample

    Protein identification from complex solution samples (e.g. cell lysates, co-immunoprecipitation experiments)

  • Special processing procedures Upon discussion

    E.g. depletion, acetone precipitation, PTM enrichment, sample concentration, fractionation

  • iTRAQ quantitative proteomics Upon discussion

    Quantitative proteome comparison between up to eight samples per set, including offline sample fractionation

  • SWATH/DIA quantitative proteomics Upon discussion

    Label-free quantitative proteomics for more than eight samples

  • Nucleoside MRM assay Upon discussion

    Targeted MRM assay for relative quantification of adenosine, cytidine, N6-methyladenosine, 5-methylcytidine, N4-methylcytidine (3 technical replicates)

  • MRM assay development Upon discussion

    Development of targeted MRM assay for quantification of specific peptides or small molecules

  • Structural HDX ESI-MS $330 / hour
  • HDX protein-protein/ligand interactions Upon discussion

    Identification of protein-protein/ligand interaction interfaces and conformational changes due to the interactions

  • HDX protein profiling Upon discussion

    Conformational dynamics measurement of protein of interest to identify varying conformational dynamics on different regions of the protein

  • Intact protein mass analysis $220 / sample

    Determination of intact protein molecular weight

  • Analytical HPLC $325 / sample

    Agilent 1290 Infinity system, for offline sample fractionation

  • Freeze dryer $105 / bottle

    Sample lyophilization

  • Analytical ultracentrifuge (sedimentation velocity) $780 / run

    Determination of sedimentation coefficient and/or mass (3 samples per run)

Contact Us

Protein and Proteomics Centre
S1A – Level 3, 14 Science Drive 4
Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore
Singapore 117543

Tel: +65-6516-4594 / +65-6516-7754 (through Wang Xianhui / Lim Teck Kwang)

Email: dbsbox32@nus.edu.sg