Senior Lecturer
Contact Information:
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543
6516 2707
6779 2486
Current teaching modules:
Natural Heritage of Singapore (SSS1207, GES1021, GESS1016)
Tropical Horticulture (LSM3256)
Comparative Botany (LSM3258)
Fungal Biology (LSM3259)
Previously taught :
Biodiversity LSM2252
Waste and our Environment (LSM1307)
Environmental Biology (GEK1515)
Research Interest
Green roofs, climate change, life cycle analyses, mycology, herbivory
Amy M. F. Choong Education on plants and fungi in Singapore: an urgent call. Nature in Singapore: Supplement No. 1 pp. Pp. 279–286.LINK
Erik Velasco, Elvagris Segovia, Amy M.F. Choong, Benjamin K.Y. Lim, Rodrigo Vargas. Carbon dioxide dynamics in a residential lawn of a tropical city. Journal of Environmental Management, 280: 111752, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111752
Yusuke Onoda, Mark Westoby, Peter B. Adler, Amy M. F. Choong, Fiona J. Clissold, Johannes H. C. Cornelissen, Sandra Díaz, Nathaniel J. Dominy, Alison Elgart, Lucas Enrico, Paul V. A. Fine, Jerome J. Howard, Adel Jalili, Kaoru Kitajima, Hiroko Kurokawa, Clare McArthur, Peter W. Lucas, Lars Markesteijn, Natalia Pérez-Harguindeguy, Lourens Poorter, Lora Richards, Louis S. Santiago, Enio E. Sosinski Jr, Sunshine A. Van Bael, David I. Warton, Ian J. Wright1, S. Joseph Wright and Nayuta Yamashita. Global patterns of leaf mechanical properties. Ecology Letters 03/2011; 14(3):301-12. DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01582.x
Yuan, S., Amy M. F. Choong and Pehkonene, S.O. The influence of the marine aerobic Pseudomonas strain on the corrosion of 70/30 Cu–Ni alloy. ECS Transactions 49(12);4352-4385. DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2007.04.009
Amy M. F. Choong, Serena Lay-Ming Teo, Jo Lene Leow, Hwee Ling Koh, Paul Chi Lui Ho. A preliminary ecotoxicity study of pharmaceuticals in the marine environment. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 12/2006; 69(21):1959-70. DOI: 10.1080/15287390600751371
I. M. Turner, P. W. Lucas, P. Becker, S. C. Wong, J. W. H. Yong, Amy M. F. Choong, M. T. Tyree. Tree Leaf Form in Brunei: A Heath Forest and a Mixed Dipterocarp Forest Compared. Biotropica 03/2000; 32(1):53 – 61. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2000.tb00447.x
Tan HTW, Amy M. F. Choong, Chua KS, Loo AHB, Seah EEL, Turner IM, Yong JWH. A botanical survey of Sungei Buloh Nature Park, Singapore. Gardens Bulletin 01/1997; 49:15-35.
What Makes a Leaf Tough and How This Affects the Pattern of Castanopsis fissa Leaf Consumption by Caterpillars Functional Ecology. 10/1996; 10(5):668. DOI: 10.2307/2390178
P. W. Lucas, B. W. Darvell, P. K. D. Lee, T. D. B. Yuen, Amy M. F. Choong. The Toughness of Plant Cell Walls. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences 05/1995; 348(1325). DOI:10.1098/rstb.1995.0074
I.M. Turner, Amy M. F. Choong, H.T.W. Tan, P.W. Lucas. How Tough are Sclerophylls? Annals of Botany, Volume 71, Issue 4, April 1993, Pages 343-345
Amy M. F. Choong, P. W. Lucas, J. S. Y. Ong, B. Pereira, H. T. W. Tan, I. M. Turner Leaf fracture toughness and sclerophylly: their correlations and ecological implications New Phytologist 08/1992; 121(4). DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1992.tb01131.x
Hong, Y.; Tan, J.Y.; Xue, H.; Chow, M.L.; Ali, M.; Ng, A.; Leong, A.; Yeo, J.; Koh, S.M.; Tang, M.S.Y.; et al. A Metagenomic Survey of Wood Decay Fungi in the Urban Trees of Singapore. J. Fungi 2023, 9, 460.