Assistant Professor
Mechanobiology Institute
Level 10 T-Lab, 5 Engineering Drive 1
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117411
+65 66011554
Education and Training
- Postdoctoral research, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany
- Ph.D., University of Cambridge, UK
- M.Phil., University of Cambridge, UK
- B.A. M.Sc. (First Class Honours), University of Cambridge, UK
LSM2234 (Semester 2) – Introduction to Quantitative Biology
LSM3236 ( Semester 1) – Pattern Formation and Self-organisation in Biology
Consultation hours: Fri 2-4pm.
Research Areas
Mammalian oogenesis, embryogenesis, tissue hydraulics, mechanochemical feedback in tissue self-organisation
Research Interests
Our research aims to understand how mechanics and biochemical signalling are integrated across multiple scales to ensure robust tissue morphogenesis and patterning in early mammalian development. To address this question, we focus on understanding mammalian oogenesis, the formation of eggs (oocytes) that provide the bulk genetic and cytoplasmic materials for successful reproduction. In our lab, we combine multidisciplinary approaches such as deep tissue imaging, biophysics, molecular genetics and mathematical modelling to understand the mechanical and molecular mechanisms regulating oogenesis. We also investigate how tissue hydraulics (fluid pressure) triggers mechano-signaling pathways to impact oocyte development and cellular functions in other developmental and physiological contexts. The ultimate goal of the lab is to extend these understanding to other mammalian species and identify common principles underlying oogenesis. A quantitative understanding of the mechanical aspects of oogenesis will lead to new understanding in reproductive biology and ageing, with potential implications in assisted reproductive technology and the enhancement of human reproductive lifespan.
- 2021 Singaporean Teaching and Academic Research Talent (START) Inauguration Grant
- 2017 EMBL Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2011 Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship (Honorary)
Selected Publications
For full list of publication, please visit Google Scholar.
Jaeschke A, Hepburn MS, Mowla A, Kennedy BF, Chan CJ. Three-dimensional quantitative micro-elastography reveals alterations in spatial elasticity patterns of follicles and corpora lutea in murine ovaries during ageing. bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.10.08.617177 (2024)
Turley J, Leong KW, Chan CJ. Novel imaging and biophysical approaches to study tissue hydraulics in mammalian folliculogenesis. Biophysical Reviews https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12551-024-01231-4 (2024)
Biswas A, Lou YT, Ng BH, Tomida K, Darpe S, Wu Z, Lu TB, Bonne I, Chan CJ. Theca cell mechanics and tissue pressure regulate mammalian ovarian folliculogenesis. bioRxiv. (2024)
Hepburn M, Jaeschke A, Mowla A, Chan CJ, Kennedy BF. Three-dimensional characterization of murine ovary elasticity using quantitative micro-elastography. Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics XI. (2024), PC128440B
Bevilacqua C, Gomez JM, Fiuza U-M, Chan CJ, Wang L, Hambura S, Eguren M, Ellenberg J, Diz-Muñoz A, Leptin M, Prevedel R. High-resolution line-scan Brillouin microscopy for live-imaging of mechanical properties during embryo development. Nature Methods
. (2023)
Biswas A., Ng BH, Prabhakaran V, Chan CJ, Squeezing the eggs to grow: The mechanobiology of mammalian folliculogenesis. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. (2022) https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2022.1038107
Chan CJ, Hirashima T. Tissue Hydraulics in Reproduction.
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology (2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.semcdb.2022.05.008
Chan CJ, Bevilacqua C, Prevedel R. Mechanical mapping of mammalian follicle development using Brillouin microscopy. Comm. Biology (2021) 4 (1133)
Yang Q, Xue S-L, Chan CJ, Rempfler M, Vischi D, Gutierrez F M, Hiiragi T, Hannezo E, Liberali. Cell fate coordinates mechano-osmotic forces in intestinal crypt morphogenesis. Nature Cell Biology (2021).
Roffay C*, Chan CJ*, Guirao B, Hiiragi T, Graner F. Inferring cell junction tension and pressure from cell geometry. Development (2021) 148 (18) dev192773.
Bevilacqua C, Hambura S, Wang L, Chan CJ, Eguren M, Gomez Elliff JM, Diz-Muñoz A, Prevedel R. High-resolution line-scanning Brillouin microscopy for fast and low phototoxicity live-imaging of mechanical properties in biology. Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics VIII (2021), 11645
Chan CJ, Hiiragi T. Integration of luminal pressure and signalling in tissue self-organisation. Development (2020) 147 (5), 1-10
Ryan AQ, Chan CJ, Graner F, Hiiragi T. Lumen expansion facilitates epiblast-primitive endoderm fate specification during mouse blastocyst formation. Developmental Cell (2019) 51, 1-14.
Chan CJ, Costanzo M, Ruiz-Herrero T, Mönke G, Petrie R, Bergert M, Diz-Munoz A, Mahadevan L, Hiiragi T. Hydraulic control of mammalian embryo size and cell fate. Nature (2019) 571:112-116
Chan CJ, Heisenberg C-P, Hiiragi T. Coordination of morphogenesis and cell fate specification in development. Current Biology. (2017) 27(18):R1024-R1035.
Chan CJ, Hiiragi T. Keeping in touch to differentiate. Developmental Cell (2017) 43(2):113-114
Chan CJ, Li W, Cojoc G, Guck J, Volume transitions of isolated cell nuclei induced by rapid temperature increase. Biophysical Journal (2017) 112(6):1063-1076
Schürmann M, Scholze J, Müller P, Guck J, Chan CJ. Cell nuclei have lower refractive index and mass density than cytoplasm. Journal of Biophotonics (2016) 9(10): 1068-1076.
Chan CJ, Ekpenyong AE, Golfier S, Li W, Chalut KJ, Otto O, Elgeti J, Guck J, Lautenschläger F. Myosin II activity softens cells in suspension. Biophysical Journal (2015) 108(8): 1856–1869
Schürmann M, Scholze J, Müller P, Chan CJ, Ekpenyong AE, Chalut KJ, Guck J. Refractive index measurements of single, spherical cells using digital holographic microscopy. Methods in Cell Biology (2015) 125:143-159.
Chan CJ, Whyte G, Boyde L, Salbreux G, Guck J. Impact of heating on passive and active biomechanics of suspended cells. Interface Focus (2014) 4, 20130069.
Chalut KJ, Höpfler M, Lautenschläger F, Boyde L, Chan CJ, Ekpenyong AE, Martinez-Arias A, Guck J. Chromatin decondensation and nuclear softening accompany Nanog downregulation in embryonic stem cells. Biophysical Journal (2012) 103(10): 2060-2070.
Chan CJ, Terentjev EM. Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of liquid crystals: relaxation, viscosity and elasticity. Journal of Physics A (2007) 40 R103-R148 Topic Review.
Chan CJ, Terentjev EM. Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of nematic liquids. IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications, Modeling of Soft Matter (2005) 141:27-84.