Adjunct Assistant Professor
Contact Information:
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543
Website: https://kwekings.wordpress.com/about-me/about/
6601 6351
6779 2486
Academic Qualifications
PhD (NUS), BSc (Hons) (NUS)
Research Areas and Selected Publications
Vegetation ecology
Neo, L., A.T.K. Yee, K.Y. Chong, C.Y. Kee & H.T.W. Tan. 2017. Vascular plant species richness and composition in two types of post-cultivation tropical secondary forest. Applied Vegetation Science 20: 692–701.
Yee A.T.K., K.Y. Chong, L. Neo & H.T.W. Tan. (2016) Updating the classification system for the secondary forests of Singapore. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 32: 11–21.
Urban ecology
Chong, K.Y., S. Teo, B. Kurukulasuriya, Y.F. Chung, S. Rajathurai & H.T.W. Tan. 2014. Not all green is as good: different effects of the spontaneous and cultivated components of urban vegetation on bird and butterfly diversity. Biological Conservation 171: 299–309.
Chong, K.Y., S. Teo, B. Kurukulasuriya, Y.F. Chung, S. Rajathurai, H.C. Lim, H.T.W. Tan. 2012. Decadal changes in urban bird abundance in Singapore. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 25: 189-196.
Plant invasion ecology
Chong, K.Y., M.B. Raphael, L.R. Carrasco, A.T.K. Yee, X. Giam, V.B. Yap & H.T.W. Tan. 2017. Reconstructing the invasion history of a spreading, non-native, tropical tree through a snapshot of current distribution, sizes, and growth rates. Plant Ecology 218: 673–685.
Raphael, M.B., K.Y. Chong, V. B. Yap & H.T.W. Tan. 2015. Comparing germination success and seedling traits between exotic and native pioneers: Cecropia pachystachya versus Macaranga gigantea. Plant Ecology 216: 1019–1027.
Yeo, H.H.T., K.Y. Chong, A.T.K. Yee, X. Giam, R.T. Corlett & H.T.W. Tan. 2014. Leaf litter depth as an important factor inhibiting seedling establishment of an exotic palm in tropical secondary forest patches. Biological Invasions 16: 381–392.
Current Research Projects
Development of a Biodiversity Index for Residential Towns Using Biodiversity Field Surveys
An Estimation and Assessment of Carbon Stocks in the Nee Soon Swamp Forest
Undergraduate Student Research Opportunities
See currently available projects at this link.
BL5203 Invasion Biology
LSM2251 Ecology & Environment (Semester 2)
LSM4262 Tropical Conservation Biology