Research Interests
I have a special interest in plant biodiversity and evolution in tropical Southeast Asia and adjacent regions. My first area of botanical research was in bryology, the study of mosses, liverworts and hornworts. This research focused on the taxonomy and molecular systematics. This passion has enabled me to engage in several field excursions in various tropical countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia (Java & Sumatra), Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam in the region of primary research and also in Uganda and Ecuador to better understand bryophyte diversity more globally. I also conduct research on flowering plants, especially in the Fabaceae/Leguminosae (bean family) of tropical Southeast Asia, one of the largest plant families in the World.
Current Research
Taxonomic treatment of the Bryophytes and Legumes for the Flora of Singapore.
Coordination and taxonomic treatment of the Legumes for the Flora of Peninsular Malaysia.
Bryophytes of Guangxi, China
Selected Publications
Tang, Q.-M., Ho, B.-C. & Wei, Y.-M. (2020). New national records and range extensions of the moss genus Fissidens (Fissidentaceae) from Guangxi, China. Hattoria 11: 41–60. |
Maul, K., Wei, Y.-M., Nebel, M., Luebert, F., Ho, B.-C., Quandt, D. & Kessler, M. (2020). Different Predictors Shape the Diversity Patterns of Epiphytic and Non-epiphytic Liverworts in Montane Forests of Uganda. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 765. |
Romanov, R.E., Nikulin, V.Y., Yeo, R.S.W., Ho, B.C. & Gontcharov, A.A. (2020). Nitella singaporensis (Charophyceae, Charales): new species and implications for the taxonomy of the genus Nitella. Phytotaxa 438 (2): 80–94. |
Maslin, B.R., Ho, B.C., Sun. H. & Bai, L. (2019). Revision of Senegalia in China, and notes on introduced species of Acacia, Acaciella, Senegalia and Vachellia (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). Plant Diversity 41(6): 353–480. |
Tan, B.C., Ochyra, R., Ho, B.C. & Bednarek-Ochyra, H. (2019). Distichophyllum shevockii (Daltoniaceae), a new moss species from the Philippines. Annales Botanici Fennici 56(4–6): 361–367. |
Sangrattanaprasert, J., Ho, B.C., Chantanaorrapint, S. & Zhu, R.-L. (2019). The genus Colura (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta), new to Singapore. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 71(1): 81–85. |
Ho, B.C., Lua, H.K., Bazilah Ibrahim, Yeo, R.S.W., Athen, P., Leong, P.K.F., Ali Ibrahim, Koh, S.L., Hassan Ibrahim, Lindsay, S., Chin, L.L., Seah, W.W. & Middleton, D.J. (2019). The plant diversity in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 71 (Suppl. 1): 41–134. |
Chua, M.-S., Ho, B.-C., Suleiman, M., Zuo, Q., Zhang, D.X. & Zhang, L. (2018). Lectotypification of Acroporium hyalinum (Reinw. ex Schwägr.) Mitt. (Hypnales: Sematophyllaceae). Telopea 21: 175–185. |
Ho, B.C., Lua, H.K., Leong, P.K.F., Lindsay, S., Seah, W.W., Bazilah Ibrahim, Loo, A.H.B., Koh, S.L., Ali Ibrahim & Athen, P. (2018). New records and rediscoveries of vascular plants in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 70(1): 33–55. |
Juengprayoon, W., Ho, B.C. & Chantanaorrapint, S. (2016). The genus Calyptrochaeta (Daltoniaceae, Bryophyta) in Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 44(2): 108–115. |
Ye, W., Gradstein, S.R., Shaw, A.J., Shaw, B., Ho, B.-C., Schäfer-Verwimp, A., Pócs, T., Heinrichs, J. & Zhu, R.-L. (2015). Phylogeny and classification of Lejeuneaceae subtribe Cheilolejeuneinae (Marchantiophyta) based on nuclear and plastid molecular markers Cryptogamie Bryologie 36(4): 313–333. |
Yong, K.T., Tan, B.C., Ho, B.C., Ho, Q.Y. & Mohamed, H. (2013). A Revised Moss Checklist of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Research Pamphlet No. 133, Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Malaysia. 152 pp. |
Huttunen, S, Bell, N., Bobrova, V.K., Buchbender, V., Buck, W.R., Cox, C.J., Goffinet, B., Hedenäs, L., Ho, B.-C., Ignatov, M.S., Krug, M., Kuznetsova, O., Milyutina, I.A., Newton, A., Olsson, S., Pokorny, L., Shaw, A.J., Stech, M., Troitsky, A., Vanderpoorten, A. & Quandt, D. (2012). Disentangling knots of rapid evolution: origin and diversification of the moss order Hypnales. Journal of Bryology 34(3): 187–211. |
Ho, B.-C., Pokorny, L., Tan, B.C., Frahm, J.-P., Shaw, A.J. & Quandt, D. (2012). Molecular evolution and diversification of the moss family Daltoniaceae (Hookeriales, Bryophyta) with emphasis on unraveling the phylogeny of Distichophyllum and its allies. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 170(2): 157–175. |
Hovenkamp, P.H. & Ho, B.-C. (2012b). Oleandraceae. In: H.P. Noteboom (ed.), Flora Malesiana, ser. II, Vol. 4, pp. 123–136. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands. |
Ho. B.-C., Tan, B.C. & Nathi, Y. (2010). New and Noteworthy records of Distichophyllum (Daltoniaceae, Bryopsida) and allied genera in Asia and Australasia. Tropical Bryology 31: 106–122. |
Tan, B.C. & Ho, B.-C. (2008b). A guide to the mosses of Singapore. Science Centre Singapore, 149 pp. |
Ho, B.-C. & Kruijer, J.D. (Hans) (2007). Growth Patterns in Calyptrochaeta Desv. (Daltoniaceae). In: A.E. Newton & R. Tangney (eds.), Pleurocarpous mosses: Systematics and Evolution. Systematics Association Special Volume Series 71, Chapter 5: 111–115. CRC Press, Boca Raton |
Ho, B.-C., Tan, B.C. & Hernawati, N.S. (2006). A Checklist of Mosses of Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 100: 143–190. |
Tan, B.C., Ho, B.-C. & Seah, B.K.-B. (2004). Two new moss species, Trichosteleum fleischeri and Splachnobryum temasekensis, from Singapore. Journal of the Hattori Botanical laboratory 96: 1–7. |