Emeritus Professor

Contact Information:

Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543

6516 5155
6779 2486

Academic Qualifications

Ph.D. University of British Columbia

Research Areas

Fish reproductive and larval physiology/endocrinology; Fish larval nutrition and feed development; Fish disease control; Aquaculture

Research Interests

The focus of our research is on the physiology/endocrinology of fish larval growth, development and health, with a view to developing hatchery technology to promote larval rearing in aquaculture. In particular we are studying the physiological deficiencies in the digestive, osmoregulatory, immune and endocrine systems of marine fish larvae during the course of their early development, and how these deficiencies are compensated by inputs from the mother fish, food and the environment. The maturation of organs/systems during late larval development/metamorphosis and its control mechanisms are also of particular interest.

Selected Publications

  1. Lam, T.J. Application of endocrinology to fish culture. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (1982) 39:111-137.

  2. Lam, T.J. Hormones and egg/larval quality in fish. Journal of World Aquaculture Society (1994) 25:2-12.

  3. Formacion, M.J., Venkatesh, B., Tan, C.H. & Lam, T.J. Over-ripening of ovulated eggs in goldfish, Carassius auratus: II Possible involvement of postovulatory follicles and steroids. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (1995) 14:237-246.

  4. Gunasekera, R.M., Shim, K.F. & Lam, T.J. Influence of dietary protein content on the distribution of amino acids in oocytes, serum and muscle of Nile tilapia, O. niloticus (L.). Aquaculture(1997) 152:205-221.

  5. Tay, H.C., Yong, A.N., Goh, J., Lim, H.S., Chao, T.M., Chou, R. & Lam, T.J. Effects of treatment of eggs with tri-iodothyronine and cortisol on the morphometry of newly hatched larvae and larval survival in the greasy grouper, Epinephelus tauvina. Aquaculture International (1997) 5:189-195.

  6. Sampath-Kumar, R., Lee, S.T.L., Tan, C.H., Munro, A.D. & Lam, T.J. Biosynthesis in vivo and excretion of cortisol by fish larvae. The Journal of Experimental Zoology (1997)277:337-344.

  7. Sivaloganathan, B., Walford, J.J.,Ip, Y.K. & Lam, T.J. Free amino acids and energy metabolism in eggs and larvae of seabass Lates calcarifer. Marine Biology (1998) 131:695-702.