Associate Professor and Deputy Head of Department
Contact Information:
Cell Signaling and Developmental Biology Laboratory
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapores
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543
Principal Investigator, MBI: weblink
Associate Dean
NUS College
18 College Avenue East
Singapore 138593
Tel: +65 6516 7834
Email: bclow22@nus.edu.sg
Website: https://nuscollege.nus.edu.sg/
6516 7834
Deputy Head, Department of Biological Sciences, NUS |
2017-present |
Associate Dean, NUS College (NUSC), NUS |
2022-present |
Principal Investigator and Senior Management, Mechanobiology Institute, NUS |
2009-present |
Deputy Director, University Scholars Program (USP), NUS |
2017-2022 |
Residential Fellow in Cinnamon College (USP and NUS College), NUS |
2015-present |
Fellow, Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, NUS |
2013-present |
Judge for Singapore Tan Kah Kee Young Inventor Awards, TKK Foundation |
2008-present |
Scientific Advisory Board Member, State Key Laboratory for Molecular Biology of Special Economic Animals, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China |
2016-2020 |
External Advisor for Biotech Programme, Singapore Ngee Ann Polytechnic |
2017-2021 |
Judge for Singapore Science and Engineering Fair (SSEF) 2018 Judge for Singapore A*STAR Talent Search, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore |
2016-2018 |
Vice President, Singapore Institute of Biology |
2009-2010 |
Deputy Director, Life Sciences Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore |
2008-2009 |
Fellow, Computational and Systems Biology Program, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore |
2007-2014 |
Co-Director, Computational Biology Undergraduate Program, NUS
University Research Committee Expert Panel for Biomedical Engineering and Life Sciences Cluster (Yearly) |
2006-2014 |
Education, Postgraduate & Postdoctoral Training
Teaching Philosophy
Cultivating Inquiring, Critical and Creative Minds in Students by Augmenting their Learning Experience, Attitude and Interest through Work from the H.E.A.R.T
Awards & Honors
2016 – 2020 – Scientific Advisory Board, State Key Laboratory for Molecular Biology of Special Economic Animals, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
2017 – 2019 – External Advisor for Biotechnology Programme, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore
2016 – 2018 – Judge for Singapore A*STAR Talent Search and SSEF
2013 – NUS International Collaborative Fund for Research Partnership with Xiamen University
2012 – NUS-King’s College London Research Partnership Travel Fellowship
2009 – as a founding member for the Research Centre of Excellence in Mechanobiology
2008 – present: Judge for Singapore Tan Kah Kee Young Inventor Awards
2003 – present, Visiting Professor, Xiamen University, China
2003- Singapore National Academy of Science-A*STAR Young Scientist Award
2003 – NUS Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award
2003 – Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (Marquis, 7th Edition)
2002 – A*STAR Biomedical Research Council (BMRC) Young Investigator Award
1995 – UNESCO Travel Fellowship for the 7th FAOBMB Congress (Sydney)
1995 – Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
1994 – University of Otago Centre for Gene Research Best Poster Award
1992 – 1995 New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee Scholar
1992 -1995 Malaysia/Singapore Lee Foundation Study Award
1992 – Best Poster Award in Queenstown International Molecular Biology Meeting
1992 – New Zealand Health Research Council Summer Scholarship
1991 – Edson Prize in Biochemistry, University of Otago
1990 – Proudfoot Award in Experimental Science, University of Otago
Research Areas
Cell Signaling, Protein Domains, Protein Modules, Scaffold Proteins, Small GTPases, Kinases, Mechanotransduction, Morphogenesis, Motility, Cancer, Neurobiology, Cardiology, Mechanobiology
Research Interests
Molecular recognition forms the basis for all cellular events; from a simple bimolecular enzymatic reaction to the cascades of multimeric protein complex in cell signalling. Fundamental to the structure and function of a protein is its ‘domain’- a discrete, minimal modular entity that constitutes one of the basic physical and functional unit of the polypeptide. This protein domain can either serve as a protein docking/interaction site or an active enzymatic unit. It is important to address what role does each of these domains play and how their potential functions can be regulated across molecular, cellular and tissue levels, in space and time.
We first identified and characterized a novel regulatory scaffold protein domain termed BCH domain (for BNIP-2 and Cdc42GAP Homology), which play important roles in regulating cell growth/death, differentiation, migration, and tissue/organ development, by targeting Rho and Ras small GTPases as well as their immediate regulators such as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). Current effort is geared towards understanding how cells and tissues respond to both biochemical signal and physical environment under the influence of the BCH domain containing proteins, GEFs and GAPs as well as other scaffold proteins that regulate cell-cell contacts, cell-matrix interactions. These scaffold proteins can serve as p(l)acemakers that determine the specificity and efficacy of signalling network. Among several key projects, we aim to decode the mechanosensation and mechanotranduction pathways that determine how the disposition, modification and therefore functions of cellular factors including the BCH domain-containing proteins, are regulated by cell-cell contacts, cell-matrix interactions, substrate rigidity, tension and force exerted by micro-environments. We aim to elucidate how these events in turn control cell shape, cell motility, cell size and tissue/organ development, under normal physiological and disease states, with focus on cancer, neurological disorders, cardiac ageing, and vascular angiogenesis.
Understanding the precise mechanisms by which both mechanical and biochemical signals integrate will help us better understand how cells move and grow, shape and number as well as how tissues develop and regenerate. Among various potential applications, this basic knowledge should help us develop new strategies to curb abnormal cell growth in cancer, to restore lost functions, and to induce tissues regeneration.
Selected Recent Publications (2005-present)
For more details, please visit my
Chuah YH; Tay EXY; Grinchuk OV; Yoon J; Feng J; Kannan S; Robert M; Jakhar R; Liang Y; Lee BWL; Wang LC; Lim YT; Zhao T; Sobota RM; Lu G; Low BC; Crasta KC; Verma CS; Lin Z; Ong DS T (2023) CAMK2D serves as a molecular scaffold for RNF8-MAD2 complex to induce mitotic checkpoint in glioma CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION Vol. 30 (8) pp. 1973 – 1987 (15 pages) Publisher: SPRINGERNATURE 10.1038/s41418-023-01192-3
Jiang K; Lim SB; Xiao J; Jokhun DS; Shang M; Song X; Zhang P; Liang L; Low BC; Shivashankar GV; Lim CT (2023).Deleterious Mechanical Deformation Selects Mechanoresilient Cancer Cells with Enhanced Proliferation and Chemoresistance,ADVANCED SCIENCE Vol. 10 (22) (15 pages). Publisher: WILEY 10.1002/advs.202201663
Wong DCP; Xia Z; Shao N; Yow I; Thivakar T; Yeo JY; Salazar AM; Liou Y-C; Low BC; Ding JL (2023). Hiltonol, a dsRNA Mimic, Promotes NK Cell Anticancer Cytotoxicity Through TAZ Cytoplasmic Sequestration ADVANCED THERAPEUTICS Vol. 6 (8) (21 pages). Publisher: WILEY. 10.1002/adtp.202300016
Jun M; Lee YL; Zhou T; Maric M; Burke B; Park S; Low BC*; Chiam K-H (2023). Subcellular Force Imbalance in Actin Bundles Induces Nuclear Repositioning and Durotaxis ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol. 15 (37) pp. 43387 – 43402 (16 pages). Publisher: AMER CHEMICAL SOC. 10.1021/acsami.3c07546
Wong DCP; Pan CQ; Er SY; Thivakar T; Rachel TZY; Seah SH; Chua PJ; Jiang T; Chew TW; Chaudhuri PK; Mukherjee. S; Salim A; Aye TA; Koh CG; Lim CT; Tan PH; Bay BH; Ridley AJ; Low BC (2023). The scaffold RhoGAP protein ARHGAP8/BPGAP1 synchronizes Rac and Rho signaling to facilitate cell migration MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL Vol. 34 (3) (17 pages). Publisher: AMER SOC CELL BIOLOGY. 10.1091/mbc.E21-03-0099, NUS News
Wong DCP; Xiao J; Chew TW; Pan M; Lee CJM; Ang JW; Yow I; Thivakar T; Ackers-Johnson M; Lee NJW; Foo RS-Y; Kanchanawong P; Low BC (2022). BNIP-2 Activation of Cellular Contractility Inactivates YAP for H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Differentiation ADVANCED SCIENCE Vol. 9 (31) (16 pages). Publisher: WILEY. 10.1002/advs.202202834, NUS News, Journal’s Inside Front Cover
Wong DCP; Lee EHC; Er J; Yow I; Koean RAG; Ang O; Xiao J; Low BC*; Ding JL (2022). Lung Cancer Induces NK Cell Contractility and Cytotoxicity Through Transcription Factor Nuclear Localization. FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY Vol. 10 (19 pages). Publisher: FRONTIERS MEDIA SA 10.3389/fcell.2022.871326
Huang Y; Huang H; Zhou L; Li J; Chen X; Thomas J; He X; Guo W; Zeng Y; Low BC; Liang F; Zeng J; Ross CA; Tan E-K; Smith W; Pei Z (2022). Mutant VPS35-D620N induces motor dysfunction and impairs DAT-mediated dopamine recycling pathway HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS Vol. 31 (22) pp. 3886 – 3896 (11 pages). Publisher: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. 10.1093/hmg/ddac142
Surendran A; Forbes Dewey C; Low BC; Tucker-Kellogg L (2021). A computational model of mutual antagonism in the mechano-signaling network of RhoA and nitric oxide BMC MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY Vol. 22 (SUPPL 1) (12 pages). Publisher: BMC 10.1186/s12860-021-00383-5
Zhang P; Lim SB; Jiang K; Chew TW; Low BC*; Lim CT (2021). Distinct mRNAs in Cancer Extracellular Vesicles Activate Angiogenesis and Alter Transcriptome of Vascular Endothelial Cells. CANCERS Vol. 13 (9) (21 pages). Publisher: MDPI 10.3390/cancers13092009
Singh A; Tijore A; Margadant F; Simpson C; Chitkara D; Low BC; Sheetz M (2021). Enhanced tumor cell killing by ultrasound after microtubule depolymerization BIOENGINEERING & TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE Vol. 6 (3) (12 pages). Publisher: WILEY. 10.1002/btm2.10233
Chichili VPR; Chew TW; Shankar S; Er SY; Chin CF; Jobichen C; Pan CQ; Zhou Y; Yeong FM; Low BC*; Sivaraman J. (2021)Structural basis for p50RhoGAP BCH domain-mediated regulation of Rho inactivation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Vol. 118 (21) pages). Publisher: NATL ACAD SCIENCES 10.1073/pnas.2014242118, NUS News Feature (12)
Gupta K; Ng IC; Balachander GM; Nguyen BP; Tucker-Kellogg L; Low BC*; Yu H (2020). Bile canaliculi contract autonomously by releasing calcium into hepatocytes via mechanosensitive calcium channel. BIOMATERIALS Vol. 259 (11 pages). Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2020.120283
Pan M; Chew TW; Wong DCP; Xiao J; Ong HT; Chin JFL; Low BC (2020). BNIP-2 retards breast cancer cell migration by coupling microtubule-mediated GEF-H1 and RhoA activation SCIENCE ADVANCES Vol. 6 (31) (13 pages). Publisher: AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE, MBI News. 10.1126/sciadv.aaz1534
Lee Y; Finch-Edmondson M; Cognart H; Zhu B; Song H; Low BC; Sudol M (2020). Common and Unique Transcription Signatures of YAP and TAZ in Gastric Cancer Cells CANCERS Vol. 12 (12) (15 pages). Publisher: MDPI. 10.3390/cancers12123667
Cong XX; Gao XK; Rao XS; Wen J; Liu XC; Shi YP; He MY; Shen WL; Shen Y; Ouyang H; Hu P; Low BC; Meng ZX; Ke. YH; Zheng MZ; Lu LR; Liang YH; Zheng LL; Zhou YT (2020). Rab5a activates IRS1 to coordinate IGF-AKT-mTOR signaling and myoblast differentiation during muscle regeneration. CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION Vol. 27 (8) pp. 2344 – 2362 (19 pages). Publisher: SPRINGERNATURE
Mukherjee S; Low BC (2020). Scaffold Proteins and their Roles in Human Diseases. Proceedings of the Singapore National Academy of Science Vol. 14 (01) pp. 15 – 29 Publisher: World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt. 10.1142/s2591722620400025
Kumar MMU; Low BC; Gong Z (2020). Signal Transduction in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Insights from Zebrafish Proceedings of the Singapore National Academy of Science Vol. 14 (01) pp. 47 – 58 Publisher: World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt. 10.1142/s2591722620400049
Gupta AB; Mukherjee S; Pan CQ; Velazquez-Campoy A; Sivaratnan J; Low BC (2020). Spatial arrangement of LD motif-interacting residues on focal adhesion targeting domain of Focal Adhesion Kinase determine domain-motif interaction affinity and specificity. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS Vol. 1864 (1) (9 pages). Publisher: ELSEVIER 10.1016/j.bbagen.2019.129450
Gupta K; Ng IC; Low BC*; Yu H (2019). Bile Canaliculi Contractility Is Regulated by Canalicular Pressure Sensing via PIEZO1 BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL Vol. 116 (3) pp. 376A – 377A (2 pages). Publisher: CELL PRESS. 10.1016/j.bpj.2018.11.2048
He MY; Xu SB; Qu ZH; Guo YM; Liu XC; Cong XX; Wang JF; Low BC; Li L; Wu Q; Lin P; Yan SG; Bao Z; Zhou YT; Zheng LL (2019). Hsp90β interacts with MDM2 to suppress p53-dependent senescence during skeletal muscle regeneration AGING CELL Vol. 18 (5) (14 pages). Publisher: WILEY. 10.1111/acel.13003
Chen T; Callan-Jones A; Fedorov E; Ravasio A; Brugues A; Ong HT; Toyama Y; Low BC; Trepat X; Shemesh T; Voituriez R; Ladoux B (2019). Large-scale curvature sensing by directional actin flow drives cellular migration mode switching. NATURE PHYSICS Vol. 15 (4) pp. 393(12 pages). Publisher: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP 10.1038/s41567-018-0383-6
Cong XX; Rao XS; Lin JX; Liu XC; Zhang GA; Gao XK; He MY; Shen WL; Fan W; Pioletti D; Zheng LL; Liu HH; Yin Z; Low
BC; Schweitzer R; Ouyang H; Chen X; Zhou YT (2018). Activation of AKT-mTOR Signaling Directs Tenogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells STEM CELLS Vol. 36 (4) pp. 527 – 539 (13 pages)
Publisher: WILEY
10.1002/stem.2765 - Chaudhuri PK, Pan CQ, Low BC*, Lim CT* (2017) Differential depth sensing reduces cancer cell proliferation via Rho-Rac regulated invadopodia. ASC Nano, 11(7):7336-7348. *co-correspondence authors. [Research Highlight by Faculty of Science and MBI, NUS]
Faculty of Science Research News
MBI News
Medicalxpress News -
Qiao Y, Chen J, Lim YB, Finch-Edmondson ML, Seshachalam VP, Qin L, Jiang T, Low BC, Singh H, Lim CT, Sudol M. (2017) YAP regulates actin dynamics through ARHGAP29 and promotes metastasis. Cell Rep. 19(8):1495-1502.
Gupta K, Li Q, Fan JJ, Fong ELS, Song Z, Mo S, Tang H, Ng IC, Ng CW, Pawijit P, Zhuo S, Dong CY, Low BC, Wee A, Dan YY, Kanchanawong P, So P, Viasnoff V, Yu H. (2017) Actomyosin contractility drives bile regurgitation as an early response during obstructive cholestasis. J Hepatol. 66(6):1231-1240.
Jiang T.T, Pan C.Q, and Low B.C (2017) BPGAP1 spatially integrates JNK/ERK signaling crosstalk in oncogenesis. Oncogene, 6(22):3178-3192 [Research Highlight by Faculty of Science and MBI, NUS]
Faculty of Science News
MBI News
Bioportfolio -
Ramachandran, Pan C.Q, Low B.C, and Sivaraman J. (2016) A structural approach towards improving anti-tumor allosteric inhibitors for human kidney Type Glutaminase. Oncotarget 7(36):57943-57954
Li C, Xue C, Yang Q, Low BC, Liou YC. (2016) NuSAP governs chromosome oscillation by facilitating the Kid-generated polar ejection force. Nature Commun. 7:10597. [Research Highlight by Faculty of Science, NUS]
Faculty of Science News -
Chaudhuri PK, Pan CQ, Low BC*, Lim CT* (2016) Topography induces differential sensitivity on cancer cell proliferation via Rho-ROCK-Myosin contractility. Sci Rep.6:19672. *co-correspondence authors. [Research Highlight by Faculty of Science and MBI, NUS]
MBI News
Faculty of Science News -
Mohanty S, Jobichen C, Chichili VP, Velázquez-Campoy A, Low BC*, Hogue CW*, Sivaraman J*.(2015) Structural Basis for a Unique ATP Synthase Core Complex from Nanoarcheaum equitans. J Biol Chem. 290(45):27280-96. * co-correspondence authors
Sun, JC, Pan, CQ, Chew, TW, Liang, FY, Burmeister, M and Low, BC (2015) BNIP-H recruits the cholinergic machinery to neurite terminals to promote acetylcholine signalling and neuritogenesis. Developmental Cell 34(5): 555–568.[NUS and U. Michigan Press releases and featured in Straits Times 2 October 2015,
and international news portal. Also as Research Highlight by NUS and MBI]
NUS Press release
Straits Times
MBI News
Science daily -
Ravi, A., Kausik, S., Ravichandran, A, Pan, CQ, Low, B.C. (2015) “Epidermal Growth Factor Activates the Rho GTPase-activating Protein (GAP) Deleted in Liver Cancer 1 via Focal Adhesion Kinase and Protein Phosphatase 2A”. J. Biol. Chem. 290(7): 4149-62
Kaushik,A., Ravi, A., Hameed, F.M. Low, BC (2014) Concerted Modulation of Paxillin Dynamics at Focal Adhesions by DLC1 and FAK during Early Cell Spreading. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). 71 (12): 677-94
Peng Yi, Li Li Chew, Ziwang Zhang,, Hao Ren,, Liling Zheng, Yan Luo, Hongwei Ouyang, BC Low*, and YT Zhou* (2015) KIF5B transports BNIP-2 to regulate p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and myoblast differentiation. Mol Biol Cell 26(1):29-42. * co-correspondence authors
Bayat, S., Brasseur, A., Chua, XL., Zhang Y., Zhou, Q. Low, B.C. and He, C.Y(2014) The bi-lobe-associated LRRP1 regulates Ran activity in Trypanosoma brucei. J Cell Sci. 2014 127(22):4846-56.
Zhao C. Liu C, Hogue CW, Low BC (2014) A cooperative “jack” model of random coil-to-elongation transition of the FH1 domain by profilin binding explains formin motor behaviour in actin polymerization FEBS Letters 2014 588(14):2288-93.
Low BC*, Pan, CQ*, Shivashankar, GV, Bershadsky, A., Sudol, M. and Sheetz, M (2014). YAP/TAZ as mechanosensors and mechanotransducers in organ size control. (Invited Review for Special Issue in Tumor Suppressors) FEBS Letters 588(16):2663-2670 (most downloaded paper). *correspondence authors
Thangavelu, K.; Chong, Q. Y.; Low, B. C. Sivaraman, J (2014) Structural Basis for the Active Site Inhibition Mechanism of Human Kidney-Type Glutaminase (KGA) Scientific Reports, 4 DOI:10.1038/srep03827
Chew TW, Liu XJ, Liu L, Spitsbergen JM, Gong Z, Low BC (2014) Crosstalk of Ras and Rho: activation of RhoA abates Kras-induced liver tumorigenesis in transgenic zebrafish models. Oncogene. 33(21):2717-27. [Featured in Straits Times news article and international science portals]
Straits Times
NUS Press Release
MBI feature
C2st -
Ravichandran, A., Low, B.C. (2013). SmgGDS antagonizes BPGAP1-induced Ras/ERK activation and neuritogenesis in PC12 cell differentiation. Molecular Biology of the Cell 24(2):145-56
Thangavelu, K., Pan, C.Q., Karlberg, T., Balaji, G., Uttamchandani, M., Suresh, V., Schüler, H., Low, B.C.*, Sivaraman, J. (2012). Structural basis for the allosteric inhibitory mechanism of human kidney-type glutaminase (KGA) and its regulation by Raf-Mek-Erk signaling in cancer cell metabolism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(20):7705-10. [Research Highlight of the Month by NUS Deputy President Research and Technology Office].
NUS News -
Pan, C.Q., Sudol, M., Sheetz, M. and Low, B.C. (2012). Modularity and functional plasticity of scaffold proteins as p(l)acemakers in cell signaling. Cell Signaling. 24(11):2143-65. [Invited Review- one of the most downloaded articles]
Pan,C.Q. and Low,B.C. (2012). Functional plasticity of the BNIP-2 and Cdc42GAP Homology (BCH) domain in cell signaling and cell dynamics. FEBS Letters 586(17):2674-91. (Invited Review).
Gupta AB, Wee LE, Zhou YT, Hortsch M, Low BC (2012) Cross-Species Analyses Identify the BNIP-2 and Cdc42GAP Homology (BCH) Domain as a Distinct Functional Subclass of the CRAL_TRIO/Sec14 Superfamily. PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e33863
Zhu S, Low BC (2012) Using zebrafish for studying Rho GTPases signaling in vivo. Methods Mol Biol. 2012;827:321-37.
Huang L, Pan CQ, Li B, Tucker-Kellogg L, Tidor B, Chen Y, Low BC (2012) Simulating EGFR-ERK signaling control by scaffold proteins KSR and MP1 reveals differential ligand-sensitivity co-regulated by Cbl-CIN85 and endophilin.PLoS One. 2011;6(8):e22933.
Zhou, Y.T, Chew, L.L, Lin, S.C, Low, B.C (2010) The BNIP-2 and Cdc42GAP homology (BCH) domain of p50RhoGAP/Cdc42GAP sequesters RhoA from inactivation by the adjacent GTPase-activating protein domain. Mol Biol Cell. 2010 21(18):3232-46
Pan, Catherine Q., Liou, Y-C and Low, B.C (2010) Active Mek2 as a regulatory scaffold that promotes Pin1 binding to BPGAP1 to suppress BPGAP1-induced acute Erk activation and cell migration. J Cell Sci. 123(Pt 6):903-16
Scott GB, Bowles PA, Wilson EB, Meade JL, Low BC, Davison A, Blair GE, Cook GP (2010) Identification of the BCL2/adenovirus E1B-19K protein-interacting protein 2 (BNIP-2) as a granzyme B target during human natural killer cell-mediated killing. Biochem J.431(3):423-31.
Ma XH, Shi Z, Tan C, Jiang Y, Go ML, Low BC, Chen YZ (2010) In-silico approaches to multi-target drug discovery : computer aided multi-target drug design, multi-target virtual screening. Pharm Res. 27(5):739-49. Review.
Kirilly D, Gu Y, Huang Y, Wu Z, Bashirullah A, Low BC, Kolodkin AL, Wang H, Yu F.A genetic pathway composed of Sox14 and Mical governs severing of dendrites during pruning. Nat Neurosci.12(12):1497-505.
Li H, Ung CY, Ma XH, Li BW, Low BC, Cao ZW, Chen YZ (2009). Simulation of crosstalk between small GTPase RhoA and EGFR-ERK signaling pathway via MEKK1. Bioinformatics 1;25(3):358-64.
Zhong D, Zhang J, Yang S, Soh UJ, Buschdorf JP, Zhou YT, Yang D, Low BC (2009). The SAM domain of the RhoGAP DLC1 binds EF1A1 to regulate cell migration. J Cell Sci. 122(Pt 3):414-24.
Lu Z, Liu W, Huang H, He Y, Han Y, Wang Y, Li Q, Ruan K, Ye Z, Low BC, Meng A, Lin SC (2008) Protein encoded by the AxinFu allele effectively downregulates Wnt signaling but exerts a dominant negative effect on c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling. J Biol Chem. Mar 3; [Epub ahead of print]
Liu L.H., Zhu, S., Gong, Z.Y and Low, B.C (2008). K-ras/PI3K-Akt Signaling Is Essential for Zebrafish Hematopoiesis and Angiogenesis. PLoS ONE.3(8):e2850.
Buschdorf JP, Chew LL, Soh UJ, Liou YC, Low BC (2008). Nerve growth factor stimulates interaction of Cayman ataxia protein BNIP-H/Caytaxin with peptidyl-prolyl isomerase Pin1 in differentiating neurons. PLoS ONE. 3(7):e2686.
Ma XH, Wang R, Yang SY, Li ZR, Xue Y, Wei YC, Low BC, Chen YZ (2008). Evaluation of virtual screening performance of support vector machines trained by sparsely distributed active compounds. J Chem Inf Model. 48(6):1227-37. Epub 2008 Jun 6.
Ung CY, Li H, Ma XH, Jia J, Li BW, Low BC, Chen YZ (2008). Simulation of the regulation of EGFR endocytosis and EGFR-ERK signaling by endophilin-mediated RhoA-EGFR crosstalk. FEBS Lett. 582(15):2283-2290. Epub 2008 May 27.
Soh U.J and Low, B.C (2008) BNIP-2 Extra Long inhibits RhoA and cellular transformation by Lbc RhoGEF via its BCH domain. J. Cell Sci May 15;121(Pt 10):1739-49.
Zhu, S., Korzh, V., Gong, Z. and Low, B. C (2008) RhoA prevents apoptosis during zebrafish embryogenesis through activation of Mek/Erk pathway. Oncogene. 6;27(11):1580-9.
Lu Z, Liu W, Huang H, He Y, Han Y, Wang Y, Li Q, Ruan K, Ye Z, Low BC, Meng A, Lin SC (2008) Protein encoded by the AxinFu allele effectively downregulates Wnt signaling but exerts a dominant negative effect on c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling. J Biol Chem. May 9;283(19):13132-9
Kang, J-S., Bae, G-U., Yi, M-J., Yang, Y-J., Oh, J-E., Takaesu, G., Zhou, Y.T., Low, B.C., and Krauss, R.S. (2008) A Cdo/Bnip-2/Cdc42 signaling pathway regulates p38alpha/beta MAPK activity and myogenic differentiation. J. Cell Biol 182(3):497-507
Tang ZQ, Han LY, Lin HH, Cui J, Jia J, Low BC, Li BW, Chen YZ. (2007) Derivation of stable microarray cancer-differentiating signatures using consensus scoring of multiple random sampling and gene-ranking consistency evaluation. Cancer Res.67(20):9996-10003.
Zhou,Y.T., Guy,G.R., Low, B.C. (2006) BNIP-Sa induces cell rounding during apoptosis by sequestering p50RhoGAP and facilitating RhoA activation via its unique motifs in the BNIP-2 and Cdc42GAP Homology domain Oncogene 25(16):2393-408.
Buschdorf, J.P., Chew, L.L., Zhang, B., Cao, Q., Liang, F-Y., Liou, Y-C., Zhou, Y.T., Low, B.C (2006) Brain-specific BNIP-2-Homology (BNIP-H) protein/Caytaxin relocalizes glutaminase to neurite terminals and reduces the levels of glutamate. J. Cell Sci 119:3337-50
Zhu, S., Liu, L., Korzh, V., Gong, Z. and Low, B.C. (2006) RhoA acts downstream of Wnt5 and Wnt11 to regulate convergence and extension movements by involving effectors Rho Kinase and Diaphanous: use of zebrafish as an in vivo model for GTPase signaling. Cellular Signaling 18(3):359-372
Zhou,Y.T., Guy,G.R., Low, B.C. (2005) BNIP-2 induces cell elongation and membrane protrusions by interacting with Cdc42 via a unique Cdc42-binding motif within its BNIP-2 and Cdc42GAP homology domain. Exp. Cell Res., 303:263-274.
Lua, B.L. and Low, B.C. (2005) Activation of EGFR endocytosis and ERK1/2 activation by BPGAP1 requires its direct interaction with EEN/endophilin II and a functional RhoGAP domain. J. Cell Sci., 118: 2707-2721
Lua, B. L., and Low, B.C. (2005) Cortactin phosphorylation as a switch for actin cytoskeletal network and cell dynamics control. FEBS Letter (Review)579: 577-585.
Low, B C and Gong, Z. (2005) Reporter Gene System: Green Fluorescent Proteins. Encyclopedia. Mol. Cell Biol. and Mol. Med. Edited by Robert A. Meyers.
Zhang B, Cao Q, Guo A, Chu H, Chan YG, Buschdorf JP, Low BC, Ling EA, Liang F. (2005) Juxtanodin: an oligodendroglial protein that promotes cellular arborization and 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide-3′-phosphodiesterase trafficking. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(32):11527-32.