Adjunct Assistant Professor
Contact Information:
Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory,
1 Research Link,
National University of Singapore,
Singapore 117604
Webpage: http://www.tll.org.sg/group-leaders/shen-lisha/
6872 7016
Research Areas
Plant development; RNA modification; Molecular breeding
Research Interests
- m6A modification in plant development
- Regulatory network in flowering
- Physiological studies of crops in urban farming
- Molecular breeding for urban farming
Selected Publications
- Cheng P., Bao S., Li C., Tong J. Shen L.* and Yu H.* (2022) RNA N6-methyladenosine modification promotes auxin biosynthesis required for male meiosis in rice. Developmental Cell 57: 246-259 (*Co-corresponding author)
- Xu T., Wu X., Wong C.E., Fan S., Zhang Y., Zhang S., Liang Z., Yu H.* and Shen L.* (2022) FIONA1-mediated m6A modification regulates the floral transition in Arabidopsis. Advanced Science 9: e2103628 (*Co-corresponding author)
- Shen L.*, Zhang Y., and Sawettalake N. (2021) A molecular switch for FLOWERING LOCUS C activation determines flowering time in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 34: 818-833 (*Corresponding author)
Recommended by Faculty Opinions.
- Shao Y., Wong C.E., Shen L.* and Yu H.* (2021) N6-methyladenosine modification underlies messenger RNA metabolism and plant development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 63: 102047 (*Co-corresponding author)
- Shen L. and Yu H. (2021) Epitranscriptome engineering in crop improvement. Molecular Plant 14: 1418-1420
- Wong C.E., Teo ZWN., Shen L.* and Yu H.* (2020) Seeing the lights for leafy greens in indoor vertical farming. Trends in Food Science & Technology 106: 48-63 (*Co-corresponding author)
- Chen Y., Song S., Gan Y., Jiang L., Yu H.* and Shen L.* (2020) SHAGGY-like kinase 12 regulates flowering through mediating CONSTANS stability in Arabidopsis. Science Advance 6: eaaw0413 (*Co-corresponding author)
- Bao S., Hua C., Shen L.* and Yu H*. (2020) New insights into gibberellin signaling in regulating flowering in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62 (1), 118-131 (*Co-corresponding author)
- Teo ZWN., Zhou W. and Shen L. (2019) Dissecting the function of MADS-box transcription factors in orchid reproductive development. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1474
- Bao S., Hua C., Huang G., Cheng P., Gong X., Shen L. and Yu H. (2019) Molecular Basis of Natural Variation in Photoperiodic Flowering Responses. Developmental Cell 50: 90-101
- Pontier D., Picart C., Baidouri M. El, Roudier F., Xu T., Lahmy S., Llauro C., Azevedo J., Laudié M., Attina A., Hirtz C., Carpentier MC., Shen L. and Lagrange T. (2019) The m6A pathway protects the transcriptome integrity by restricting RNA chimera formation in plants. Life Science Alliance 2: e201900393
- Shen L.*, Liang Z., Wong C. E. and Yu H*. (2019) Messenger RNA Modifications in Plants. Trends in Plant Science 24: 328-341. (*Co-corresponding author)
- Wu D, Liang Z, Yan T, Xu Y, Xuan L, Tang J, Zhou G, Lohwasser U, Hua S, Wang H, Chen X, Wang Q, Zhu L, Maodzeka A, Hussain N, Li Z, Li X, Shamsi I, Jilani G, Wu L, Zheng H, Zhang G, Chalhoub B, Shen L*, Yu H*, Jiang L*. (2019) Whole-genome resequencing of a world-wide collection of rapeseed accessions reveals the genetic basis of ecotype divergence. Molecular Plant 12: 30-43. (*Co-corresponding author)
- Liang Z*, Shen L*, Cui X#, Bao S, Geng Y, Yu G, Liang F, Xie S, Lu T, Gu X**, Yu H**. (2018) DNA N6-adenine methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Developmental Cell 45: 406-416. (*Co-first author; **Co-corresponding author).
- Shen L, Liang Z, Yu H. (2017) Dot blot analysis of N6-methyladenosine RNA modification levels. Bio-protocol 7: e2095.
Recommended by Faculty Opinions.
- Sawettalake N, Bunnag S, Wang Y, Shen L*, Yu H*. (2017) DOAP1 promotes flowering in the orchid Dendrobium Chao Praya Smile. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 400. (*Co-corresponding author)
- Tao Z, Shen L, Gu X, Wang Y, Yu H, He Y. (2017) Embryonic epigenetic reprogramming by a pioneer transcription factor in plants. Nature 551: 124-128.
- Cui X*, Liang Z*, Shen L*, Zhang Q, Bao S, Geng Y, Zhang Bi, Leo V, Vardy LA, Lu T, Gu X**, Yu H**. (2017) 5-Methylcytosine RNA methylation in Arabidopsis Thaliana. Molecular Plant 10: 1387-1399. (*Co-first authors, **Co-corresponding authors)
- Zhu Y, Liu L, Shen L, Yu H. (2016) NaKR1 regulates long-distance movement of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 2: 16075
- Shen L*, Liang Z*, Gu X, Chen Y, Teo ZWN, Hou X, Cai WM, Dedon PC, Liu L, Yu H. (2016) N6-methyladenosine RNA modification regulates shoot stem cell fate in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell 38: 186-200. (*Co-first authors)
Recommended by Faculty Opinions.
Highlighted in Nature Chemical Biology 12, 657 (2016).
- Shen L, Thong Z, Gong X, Shen Q, Gan Y, Yu H. (2014) The putative PRC1 RING-finger protein AtRING1A regulates flowering through repressing MADS AFFECTING FLOWERING GENES in Arabidopsis. Development 141: 1303-1312
- Yan Y*, Shen L*, Chen Y, Bao S, Thong Z, Yu H. (2014) A MYB-domain protein EFM mediates flowering responses to environmental cues in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell 30: 437-448. (*Co-first authors)
- Tao Z*, Shen L*, Liu C, Liu Lu, Yan Y, Yu H. (2012) Genome-wide identification of SOC1 and SVP targets during the floral transition in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 70: 549-561. (*Co-first authors)
- Shen L, Kang YGG, Liu L, Yu H. (2011) The J-Domain Protein J3 Mediates the Integration of Flowering Signals in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 499-514
- Li D*, Liu C*, Shen L*, Wu Y, Chen H, Robertson M, Helliwell CA, Ito T, Meyerowitz E, Yu H. (2008) A repressor complex governs the integration of flowering signals in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell 15: 110-120. (*Co-first authors)