Emeritus Professor
Contact Information:
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543
Academic Qualifications
PhD (Botany), 1980, University of Singapore
Research Interests
Fungi impact on human life in many areas such as health and wellness, agriculture, horticul-ture, biotechnology, and food production. Knowledge in fungal biodiversity, fungal biology and fungal ecology constitutes the fundamentals towards understanding, exploiting and managing fungi in these different areas. The Mycology and Fungal-Plant Interactions Laboratory focuses on the twin approach of studying the biodiversity of local/tropical fungi, and the exploitation of se-lected fungi. Under biodiversity studies, the present key interests are in the aquatic and marine fungi of which about 200 local species have been recorded, and endophytic symbiotic fungi of agricultural/horticultural relevance. Applied mycological interests focus on fungal enzymes, fun-gal symbiosis in orchids, fungal chitosan, and fungal airspora in relation to allergenic responses.
Selected Publications
Wang, Y, T K Tan, G K Tan, J D Connolly & L J Harrison. Microbial transformation of the sesquiterpenoid (-)-maalioxide by Mucor plumbeus. Phytochemistry, 67 (2006): 58- 61.
Jayakumar, P & T K Tan. Phosphorus solubilization by ectomycorrhizal Pisolithus tinctorius in pure culture and in association with Acacia mangium. Symbiosis, 39 (2006): 125-139.
Jayakumar, P & T K Tan. Changes during early ectomycorrhizal formation by Pisolithus tinctorius on Acacia mangium and their impact on nodule formation by Bradyrhizobium sp. Symbiosis, 40 (2005): 141-149.
Jayakumar, P & T K Tan. Growth performance and nodulation response of Acacia mangium co-inoculated with Bradyrhizobium sp. and Pisolithus tinctorius. Symbiosis, 40 (2005): 109-114.
Ma, M, T K Tan & S M Wong. Identification and molecular phylogeny of Epulorhiza isolates from tropical orchids. Mycological Research, 107 (2003): 1041-1049.
Nwe, N, S Chandrakrachang, W Stevens, T Maw, T K Tan, E Khor & S M Wong. Production of fungal chitosan by solid state and submerged fermentation. Carbohydrate Polymers, 49 (2002): 235-237.
Maw, T, T K Tan, E Khor & S M Wong. Selection of Gongronella butleri strains for enhanced chitosan yield with UV mutagenesis. Journal of Biotechnology, 95 (2002): 189-193.
Maw, T, T K Tan, E Khor & S M Wong. Complete cDNA sequence of chitin deacetylase from Gongronella butleri and its phylogenetic analysis revealed clusters corresponding to taxonomic classification of fungi. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 93 (2002): 376-381.
Tan T K. Shrinking mangroves, Thriving fungi. In: Fungi in Marine Environments, ed. K D Hyde, 235-246. Fungal Diversity Press, 2002.
Chew, F T, S H Lim, H S Shang, M D Siti Dahlia, D Y T Goh, B W Lee, H T W Tan and T K Tan. Evaluation of the allergenicity of tropical pollen and airborne spores in Singapore. Allergy, 55 (2000): 340-347