Assistant Professor
NUS Presidential Young Professorship (PYP)
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
16 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117558
Joint appointment with Disease Intervention Technology Laboratory (DITL), A*STAR
Lab Website:
6516 7835
Academic Qualifications
Post-doctoral Fellow, The Hospital for Sick Children (Canada), 2021
Ph.D., Columbia University (United State of America), 2019
B.Sc., Imperial College London (United Kingdom), 2013
Research Areas
Cryo-EM, Structural Biology, Membrane Proteins, Diabetes, Cancer, Methods Development, Biochemistry
Selected Publications (out of 21 publications)
Tan, Y.Z., Zhang, L., Rodrigues, J., Zheng, R.B., Giacometti, S.I., Rosário, A.L., Kloss, B., Dandey, V.P., Wei, H., Brunton, R., Raczkowski, A.M., Athayde, D., Catalão, M.J., Pimentel, M., Clarke, O.B., Lowary, T.L., Archer, M., Niederweis, M., Potter, C.S., Carragher, B. and Mancia, F., 2020. Cryo-EM Structures and Regulation of Arabinofuranosyltransferase AftD from Mycobacteria. Molecular Cell, 78(4), pp.683-699.
Kim, J.*, Tan, Y.Z.*, Wicht, K.J., Erramilli, S.K., Dhingra, S.K., Okombo, J., Vendome, J., Hagenah, L.M., Giacometti, S.I., Warren, A.L., Nosol, K., Roepe, P.D., Potter, C.S., Carragher, B., Kossiakoff, A.A., Quick, M., Fidock, D.A. and Mancia, F., 2019. Structure and drug resistance of the plasmodium falciparum transporter pfcrt. Nature, 576(7786), pp.315-320. *Equal contribution
Tan, Y.Z.*, Aiyer, S.*, Mietzsch, M.*, Hull, J.A., McKenna, R., Grieger, J., Samulski, R.J., Baker, T.S., Agbandje-McKenna, M. and Lyumkis, D., 2018. Sub-2 Å Ewald Curvature Corrected Structure of an AAV2 Capsid Variant. Nature communications, 9. *Equal contribution
Tan, Y.Z., Baldwin, P.R., Davis, J.H., Williamson, J.R., Potter, C.S., Carragher, B. and Lyumkis, D., 2017. Addressing preferred specimen orientation in single-particle cryo-EM through tilting. Nature methods, 14(8), p.793.
Davis, J.H.*, Tan, Y.Z.*, Carragher, B., Potter, C.S., Lyumkis, D. and Williamson, J.R., 2016. Modular assembly of the bacterial large ribosomal subunit. Cell, 167(6), pp.1610-1622. *Equal contribution