Provost’s Chair Professor and Head of Department

Contact Information:

Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543

6516 3048
6779 2486

Curriculum vitae

Administrative Services

2017-present, Head, Department of Biological Sciences, NUS
2017-present, Board Director, Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory, Singapore
2015-2017, Executive Director, Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory, Singapore
2014-2017, Vice Dean, Faculty of Science (FoS), NUS
2014-present, FoS Research Committee Member, NUS
2013-2014, University Promotion and Tenure Committee Member, NUS
2012-2013, Chairman of Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee, FoS, NUS
2011-2012, Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee Member, FoS, NUS
2009-2012, Graduate Executive Committee Member, FoS, NUS
2009-2012, Deputy Head in the Department of Biological Sciences (DBS), FoS, NUS
2009-2012, Chairman of the Department Graduate Committee, DBS, FoS, NUS
2009-2012, Department Executive Committee Member, DBS, FoS, NUS
2010-present, Resident member of the University Research Committee Expert Panel, NUS

Research Areas

Functional genomics; RNA modification; Plant reproductive development; Phytohormone signaling; Crop biotechnology; Urban farming

Research Interests

Flowering plants are major sources of food and medicine in human history, and they are also primary producers and ultimate energy sources in our terrestrial ecosystems. Thus, investigation of molecular mechanisms of plant development in changing environments solves vital problems relevant to our everyday life, such as the supply of food, medicine and energy, and environmental protection. My grand vision is to elucidate the complex regulatory networks of plant growth, and to apply the derived knowledge to address the challenges of human wellbeing. Our current research focuses on the following areas: 

1. Molecular genetic mechanisms of RNA modifications in plants
2. Molecular trafficking and phytohormone signaling in plants
3. Comprehensive understanding of the floral transition in plants
4. Molecular breeding of novel crop varieties for urban farming
5. Development of plant-based biomanufacturing platforms


2020: Elected Fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Science
2017 & 2020 & 2023: Provost’s Chair Professorship, NUS
2016: Singapore National Research Foundation Investigatorship
2013: Singapore President Science Award
2011: Outstanding Scientist Award, Faculty of Science, NUS
2011: Dean’s Chair, Faculty of Science, NUS
2009: Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
2007: Singapore Youth Award for Science and Technology
2007: NUS Young Researcher Award
2006: Singapore National Academy of Sciences and A*STAR Young Scientist Award
2002 & 2003: National University of Singapore Overseas Fellowship
2001: Gold medal of International Society of Plant Molecular Biology for outstanding PhD thesis

Membership on Editorial Boards or Scientific Advisory Boards:

  1. F1000 faculty member in Plant Biology (Plant Genetics & Gene Expression, since Nov 2016)
  2. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology (Annual Reviews; Editorial Committee Member from Jan 2016 to Dec 2025)
  3. eLife (eLife Sciences Publications; Reviewing Editor since Sep 2015)
  4. PLoS Genetics (Public Library of Science; Associate Editor since Aug 2012)
  5. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Guest Editor since Aug 2016)
  6. Molecular Plant (Cell Press; Advisory Board member since Nov 2023)
  7. Plant Communications (Cell Press; Editorial Board member since Jan 2020)
  8. Small Structures (Wiley Press; Editorial Advisory Board member since Mar 2020)
  9. Seed Biology (Maximum Academic Press; Senior Editor since May 2022)
  10. Advanced Biotechnology (Elsevier; Senior Editor since Jun 2023)
  11. Crop Design (Elsevier; Editorial Board member since Sep 2021)
  12. Plant Biology Advisory Board member for Landmarks, a new Faculty Opinions service (since 2021).
  13. Elected overseas expert for Chinese Academy of Sciences (since 2014)
  14. International evaluation panel member for Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2014)
  15. International evaluation panel member for Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2015)
  16. International advisor for National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB), Japan (since 2015)
  17. International reviewer for the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology (IPMB), Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2017)
  18. International evaluation panel member for Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2018, 2024)
  19. External Examiner for Faculty Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (since 2019)
  20. International evaluation panel member for Agricultural Genomics Transversal Postdoctoral Programme by Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), Spain (2021)
  21. International member of the Fellowships Review Committee of the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP), France (since 2021)
  22. International Reviewer for the New Cornerstone Investigator Program, China (since 2022)

Reviewer for International Refereed Journals:

Science, Nature, Nature Genetics, Nature Plants, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Communications, Developmental Cell, PLoS Biology, Trends in Plant Science, Advanced Science, Current Biology, Genome Biology, Plant Cell, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, eLife, Development, Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, PLoS Genetics, PLoS ONE, Cell Research, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, Journal of Experimental Botany, Molecular Plant, Plant Molecular Biology, Advances in Botanical Research, Journal of Plant Physiology, Plant Cell Reports, Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science, Plant Science, Plant Breeding, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, TSW Development & Embryology, GM crops, Euphytica, 3Biotech, Journal of Bioscience, Plant Signaling & Behavior, Scientia Horticulturae, Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology

Selected Publications

A full list of publications in Google Scholar (‪Hao Yu – ‪Google Scholar)

International refereed journals  

  1. Zhang B, Zhang S, Wu Y, Li Y, Kong L, Wu R, Zhao M, Liu W, Yu H (2024) Defining context-dependent m6A RNA methylomes in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell; DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.06.012.

  2. Li S-T, Ke Y, Zhu Y, Zhu T-Y, Huang H, Li L, Hou Z, Zhang X, Li Y, Liu C, Li X, Xie M, Zhou L, Meng C, Wang F, Gu X, Yang B*, Yu H*, Liang Z* (2024) Mass spectrometry-based proteomic landscape of rice reveals a post-transcriptional regulatory role of N6-methyladenosine. Nature Plants; DOI: 10.1038/s41477-024-01745-5 (*Co-corresponding author).

  3. Wu X, Su T, Zhang S, Zhang Y, Wong CE, Ma J, Shao Y, Hua C, Shen L*, Yu H* (2024) N6-methyladenosine-mediated feedback regulation of abscisic acid perception via phase-separated ECT8 condensates in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 10, 469-482 (*Co-corresponding author).

  4. Li C, Zhang S, Yan X, Cheng P, Yu H (2023) Single-nucleus sequencing deciphers developmental trajectories in rice pistils. Developmental Cell 58: 694-708.

  5. Shen L*, Ma J, Li P, Wu Y, Yu H* (2023) Recent advances in the plant epitranscriptome. Genome Biology 24: 43 (*Co-corresponding author).

  6. Wong CE, Zhang S, Xu T, Zhang Y, Teo ZW, Yan A, Shen L*, Yu H* (2023) Shaping the landscape of N6-methyladenosine RNA methylation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 191: 2045-2063 (*Co-corresponding author)

  7. Peng Y, Jiang S, Wang J, Xu X, Gong X, Jin W, Song C, Dong Z, Sun S, Li Y, Yu H (2023) Control of lateral root initiation by DA3 in Arabidopsis. Cell Reports, 42: 111913.

  8. Li C, Chen B, Yu H (2022) Splicing-mediated activation of SHAGGY-like kinases underpinning carbon partitioning in Arabidopsis seeds. Plant Cell 34: 2730-2746.

  9. Zhang L, Zhang F, Zhou X, Poh TX, Xie L, Shen J, Yang L, Song S*, Yu H*, Chen Y* (2022) The tetratricopeptide repeat protein OsTPR075 promotes heading by regulating florigen transport in rice. Plant Cell 34: 3632-3646 (*Co-corresponding author).

  10. Yang L, Chen Y, Xu L, Wang J, Qi H, Guo J, Zhang L, Shen J, Wang H, Zhang F, Xie L, Zhu W, Lu P, Qian Q, Yu H, Song S (2022) The OsFTIP6-OsHB22-OsMYBR57 module regulates drought response in rice. Molecular Plant 15:1227-1242.

  11. Yan A, Yu H (2022) New insights into centromeres from Arabidopsis Col-CEN assembly. Trends in Genetics 38: 416-418.

  12. Cheng P, Bao S, Li C, Tong J, Shen L*, Yu H* (2022) RNA N6-methyladenosine modification promotes auxin biosynthesis required for male meiosis in rice. Developmental Cell 57: 246-259 (*Co-corresponding author).

  13. Xu T, Wu X, Wong CE, Fan S, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Liang Z, Yu H*, Shen L* (2022) FIONA1-mediated m6A modification regulates the floral transition in Arabidopsis. Advanced Science e2103628 (*Co-corresponding author).

  14. Li C, Zhang B, Yu H (2021) GSK3s: nodes of multilayer regulation of plant development and stress responses. Trends in Plant Science 26: 1286-1300.

  15. Susila H, Jurić S, Liu L, Gawarecka K, Chung KS, Jin S, Kim SJ, Nasim Z, Youn G, Suh MC, Yu H, Ahn JH (2021) Florigen sequestration in cellular membranes modulates temperature-responsive flowering. Science 373: 1137-1142.

  16. Shao Y, Wong CE, Shen L*, Yu H* (2021) N6-methyladenosine modification underlies messenger RNA metabolism and plant development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 63: 102047 (*Co-corresponding author).

  17. Liu L*, Xuan L, Jiang Y, Yu H* (2021) Regulation by FLOWERING LOCUS T and TERMINAL FLOWER 1 in flowering time and plant architecture. Small Structures 2:2000125 (*Co-corresponding author).

  18. Chen Y, Shen J, Zhang L, Qi H, Yang L, Wang H, Wang J, Wang Y, Du H, Tao Z, Zhao T, Deng P, Shu Q, Yu H, Song S (2021) Nuclear translocation of OsMFT1 that is impeded by OsFTIP1 promotes drought tolerance in rice. Molecular Plant 14: 1297-1311.

  19. Li Y, Zhang B, Wang Y, Gong X, Yu H (2021) DOTFL1 affects the floral transition in orchid Dendrobium Chao Praya Smile. Plant Physiology 186: 2021-2036.

  20. Shen L*, Yu H* (2021) Epitranscriptome engineering in crop improvement. Molecular Plant 14: 1418-1420 (*Co-corresponding author).

  21. Li C, Gong X, Zhang B, Liang Z, Wong CE, See BYH, Yu H (2020) TOP1α, UPF1, and TTG2 regulate seed size in a parental dosage–dependent manner. PLoS Biology 18: e3000930.

  22. Wong CE, Teo ZWN, Shen L*, Yu H* (2020) Seeing the lights for leafy greens in indoor vertical farming. Trends in Food Science & Technology 106: 48-63 (*Co-corresponding author).

  1. Zhang B, Li C, Li Y, Yu H (2020) Mobile TERMINAL FLOWER1 determines seed size in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 6: 1146-1157.

  2. Chen Y, Song S, Gan Y, Jiang L, Yu H* and Shen L* (2020) SHAGGY-like kinase 12 regulates flowering through mediating CONSTANS stability in Arabidopsis. Science Advances 6: eaaw0413 (*Co-corresponding author).

  3. Liu L, Li C, Teo ZWN, Zhang B, Yu H (2019) The MCTP-SNARE complex regulates florigen transport in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 31: 2475–2490.

  4. Liang Z, Geng Y, Ji C, Du H, Wong CE, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Zhang P, Riaz A, Chachar S, Ding Y, Wen J, Wu Y, Wang M, Zheng , Wu Y, Demko V, Shen L, Han X*, Zhang P*, Gu X*, Yu H* (2019) Mesostigma viride genome and transcriptome provide insights into the origin and evolution of Streptophyta. Advanced Science, 1901850 (*Co-corresponding author).

  5. Bao S, Hua C, Huang G, Cheng P, Gong X, Shen L, Yu H (2019) Molecular basis of natural variation in photoperiodic flowering responses. Developmental Cell 50: 90-101.

  6. Shao Y, Zhou H-Z, Wu Y, Zhang H, Lin J, Jiang X, He Q, Zhu J, Li Y, Yu H, Mao C (2019) OsSPL3, an SBP-domain protein, regulates crown root development in rice. Plant Cell 31: 1257-1275.

  7. Shen L*, Liang Z, Wong CE, Yu H* (2019) Messenger RNA modifications in plants. Trends in Plant Science 24: 328-341 (*Co-corresponding author).

  8. Wu D, Liang Z, Yan T, Xu Y, Xuan L, Tang J, Zhou G, Lohwasser U, Hua S, Wang H, Chen X, Wang Q, Zhu L, Maodzeka A, Hussain N, Li Z, Li X, Shamsi I, Jilani G, Wu L, Zheng H, Zhang G, Chalhoub B, Shen L*, Yu H*, Jiang L* (2019) Whole-genome resequencing of a world-wide collection of rapeseed accessions reveals the genetic basis of ecotype divergence. Molecular Plant 12: 30-43 (*Co-corresponding author).

  9. Zhang Q, Liang Z, Cui X, Ji C, Li Y, Zhang P, Liu J, Riaz A, Yao P, Liu M, Wang Y, Lu T, Yu H, Yang D, Zheng H, Gu X (2018) N6-Methyladenine DNA methylation in Japonica and Indica rice genomes and its association with gene expression, plant development, and stress responses. Molecular Plant 11: 1492-1508.

  10. Song S, Chen Y, Liu L, See YHB, Mao C, Gan Y, Yu H (2018) OsFTIP7 determines auxin-mediated anther dehiscence in rice. Nature Plants 4: 495-504.

  11. Liu L, Li C, Song S, Teo ZWN, Shen L, Wang Y, Jackson D, Yu H (2018) FTIP-dependent STM trafficking regulates shoot meristem development in Arabidopsis. Cell Reports 23: 1879-1890.

  12. Liang Z, Shen L, Cui X, Bao S, Geng Y, Yu G, Liang F, Xie S, Lu T, Gu X*, and Yu H* (2018) DNA N6-adenine methylation in Arabidopsis thalianaDevelopmental Cell 45: 406-416 (*Co-corresponding author).

  13. Li C, Zhang B, Chen B, Ji L, Yu H (2018) Site-specific phosphorylation of TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1 mediates carbon partitioning in Arabidopsis seeds. Nature Communications 9: 571. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03013-5.

  14. Liu L, Li C, Liang Z, Yu H (2018) Characterization of multiple C2 domain and transmembrane region proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 176: 2119-2132.

  15. Cui X, Liang Z, Shen L, Zhang Q, Bao S, Geng Y, Zhang Bi, Leo V, Vardy LA, Lu T, Gu X*, Yu H* (2017) 5-methylcytosine RNA methylation in Arabidopsis thalianaMolecular Plant 10: 1387-1399 (*Co-corresponding author).

  16. Tao Z, Shen L, Gu X, Wang Y, Yu H, He Y (2017) Embryonic epigenetic reprogramming by a pioneer transcription factor in plants. Nature 551: 124-128.

  17. Song S, Chen Y, Liu L, Wang Y, Bao S, Zhou X, Teo ZWN, Mao C, Gan Y, Yu H (2017) OsFTIP1 regulation of florigen transport in rice is negatively regulated by a ubiquitin-like domain kinase OsUbDKγ4. Plant Cell 29: 491-507.

  18. Gong X, Shen L, Peng YZ, Gan Yi, Yu H (2017) DNA topoisomerase Iα affects the floral transition in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 173: 642-654.

  19. Shen L, Liang Z, Gu X, Chen Y, Teo ZWN, Hou X, Cai WM, Dedon PC, Liu L, Yu H (2016) N6-methyladenosine RNA modification regulates shoot stem cell fate in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell 38: 186-200.

  20. Zhu Y, Liu L, Shen L, Yu H (2016) NaKR1 regulates long-distance movement of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 2: 16075. 

  21. Xi W, Gong X, Yang Q, Yu H*, Liou YC* (2016) Pin1At regulates PIN1 polar localization and root gravitropism. Nature Communications 7: 10430 (*Co-corresponding author).

  22. Chen M, Zhang B, Li C, Kulaveerasingam H, Chew FT, and Yu H (2015) TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA 1 regulates the accumulation of seed storage reserves in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 169: 391-402.

  23. Yan Y, Shen L, Chen Y, Bao S, Thong Z, Yu H (2014) A MYB-domain protein EFM mediates flowering responses to environmental cues in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell 30: 437-448.

  24. Hou X, Zhou J, Liu C, Liu L, Shen L, Yu H (2014) Nuclear Factor Y-mediated H3K27me3 demethylation of the SOC1 locus orchestrates flowering responses of Arabidopsis. Nature Communications 5: 4601.

  25. Teo ZWN, Song S, Wang Y-Q, Liu J, Yu H (2014) New insights into the regulation of inflorescence architecture. Trends in Plant Science 19: 158-165.

  26. Shen L, Thong Z, Gong X, Shen Q, Gan Y, Yu H (2014) The putative PRC1 RING-finger protein AtRING1A regulates flowering through repressing MADS AFFECTING FLOWERING GENES in Arabidopsis. Development 141: 1303-1312.

  27. Liu L, Zhu Y, Shen L, Yu H (2013) Emerging insights into florigen transport. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 16: 607-613

  28. Liu C, Teo ZWN, Bi Y, Song S, Xi W, Yang X, Yin Z, Yu H (2013) A conserved genetic pathway determines inflorescence architecture in Arabidopsis and rice. Developmental Cell 24: 612-622.

  29. Liu L, Liu C, Hou X, Xi W, Shen L, Tao Z, Wang Y, Yu H (2012) FTIP1 is an essential regulator required for florigen transport. PLoS Biology 10: e1001313. (Issue Highlight)

  30. An L, Zhou Z, Sun L, Yan A, Xi W, Yu N, Cai W, Chen X, Yu H, Schiefelbein J, Gan Y (2012) A zinc finger protein gene ZFP5 integrates phytohormone signaling to control root hair development in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 72: 474-490.

  31. Lee LYC, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H (2012) STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis. Development 139: 1568-1576.

  32. Tao Z, Shen L, Liu C, Liu Lu, Yan Y, Yu H (2012) Genome-wide identification of SOC1 and SVP targets during the floral transition in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 70: 549-561. (Cover Article)

  33. Shen L, Kang YGG, Liu L, Yu H (2011) The J-domain protein J3 mediates the integration of flowering signals in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 499-514.

  34. Hou X, Lee LYC, Xia K, Yan Y, Yu H (2010) DELLAs Modulate Jasmonate Signaling via Competitive Binding to JAZs. Developmental Cell 19: 884-894.

  35. Xi W, Liu C, Hou X, Yu H (2010) MOTHER OF FT AND TFL1 regulates seed germination through a negative feedback loop modulating ABA signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 22: 1733-1748.

  36. Wang Y, Liu C, Yang D, Yu H* and Liou YC* (2010) Pin1At encoding a peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase regulates flowering time in Arabidopsis. Molecular Cell 37: 112-122 (*Co-corresponding author).

  37. Ng KH, Yu H, Toshiro I (2009) AGAMOUS controls GIANT KILLER, a multifunctional chromatin modifier in reproductive organ patterning and differentiation. PLoS Biology 7: e1000251.

  38. Liu C, Thong Z, Yu H (2009) Coming into bloom: the specification of floral meristems. Development 136: 3379-3391.

  39. Liu C, Xi W, Shen L, Tan C, Yu H (2009) Regulation of floral patterning by flowering time genes. Developmental Cell 16: 711-722. (Issue Highlight)

  40. Hou X, Hu W-W, Shen L, Lee LYC, Tao Z, Han J-H, Yu H (2008) Global identification of DELLA target genes during Arabidopsis flower development. Plant Physiology 147: 1126-1142

  41. Li D, Liu C, Shen L, Wu Y, Chen H, Robertson M, Helliwell CA, Ito T, Meyerowitz EM, Yu H (2008) A repressor complex governs the integration of flowering signals in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell 15: 110-120.

  42. Han P, García-Ponce B, Fonseca-Salazar G, Alvarez-Buylla ER, Yu H (2008) AGAMOUS-LIKE 17, a novel flowering promoter, acts in a FT-independent photoperiod pathway. Plant Journal 55: 253-265

  43. Liu C, Chen H, Er HL, Soo HM, Kumar P, Han J-H, Liou YC, Yu H (2008) Direct interaction of AGL24 and SOC1 integrates flowering signals in Arabidopsis. Development 135: 1481-1491.

  44. Ito T, Ng KH, Lim TS, Yu H, Meyerowitz EM (2007) The Homeotic Protein AGAMOUS Controls Late Stamen Development by Regulating a Jasmonate Biosynthetic Gene in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19: 3516-3529.

  45. Gan Y, Yu H, Peng J, Broun P (2007) Genetic and molecular regulation by DELLA proteins of trichome development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 145: 1031-1042.

  46. Gan Y, Liu C, Yu H, Broun P (2007) Integration of cytokinin and gibberellin signalling by Arabidopsis transcription factors GIS, ZFP8 and GIS2 in the regulation of epidermal cell fate. Development 134: 2073-2081.

  47. Liu C, Zhou J, Bracha-Drori K, Yalovsky S, Ito T, Yu H (2007) Specification of Arabidopsis floral meristem identity by repressing flowering time genes. Development 134: 1901-1910.

  48. Gan Y, Kuminoto R, Liu C, Ratcliffe O, Yu H, Broun P (2006) GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS modulates gibberellin signaling in the regulation of epidermal differentiation and shoot maturation in ArabidospsisPlant Cell 18: 1383-1395.

  49. Xu Y, Teo LL, Zhou J, Kumar P*, Yu H* (2006) Floral organ identity genes in the Dendrobium orchids. Plant Journal 46: 54-68. (*Co-corresponding author)

  50. Zhao Y, Medrano L, Ohashi K, Fletcher JC, Yu H, Sakai H, Meyerowitz EM (2004) HANABA TARANU is a GATA transcription factor that regulates shoot apical meristem and flower development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 16: 2586-2600.

  51. Yu H, Ito T, Zhao Y, Peng J, Kumar P, Meyerowitz EM (2004) Floral homeotic genes are targets of gibberellin signaling in flower development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101: 7827-7832.

  52. Ito T, Wellmer F, Yu H, Das P, Ito N, Alves-Ferreira M, Riechmann JL, Meyerowitz EM (2004) The Arabidopsis organ identity protein AGAMOUS controls microsporogenesis through regulation of SPOROCYTELESS/NOZZLE. Nature 430: 356-360.

  53. Yu H, Ito T, Wellmer F, Meyerowitz EM (2004) Repression of AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 is a crucial step in promoting flower development. Nature Genetics 36: 157-161.

  54. Yu H, Xu Y, Tan EL, Kumar P (2002) AGAMOUS-LIKE 24, a dosage-dependent mediator of the flowering signals. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99: 16336-16341.

  55. Yu H, Goh CJ (2001) Molecular genetics of reproductive biology in orchids. Plant Physiology 127: 1390-1393.

  56. Yu H, Yang SH, Goh CJ (2000) DOH1, a class 1 knox gene, is required for maintenance of the basic plant architecture and floral transition in orchid. Plant Cell 12: 2143-2159

  57. Yu H, Goh CJ (2000) Identification and characterization of three orchid MADS-box genes of the AP1/AGL9 subfamily during floral transition. Plant Physiology 123: 1325-1336.

 Book chapter

  1. Shen L, Yu H (2011) Function of MADS-box proteins in the integration of flowering signals in Arabidopsis. In: Yaish M (ed.) The flowering process and its control in plants: gene expression and hormone interaction. Research Signpost, Kerala, India, pp 31-49.

  2. Yu H, Xu Y (2007) Orchids. In: Pua EC and Davey MR (eds.) Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol 61. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp 273-288.

  3. Yu H, Dhavale T, Yang S (2006) Molecular mechanisms of hormone functions in flowering. In: Teixeira da Silva JA. (ed.) Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues, Ed 1 Vol 1. Global Science Books, London, UK, pp 25-32.