Prof. Kini's Laboratory








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Key Publications For Three-Finger Toxins



1. Kini, R. M.: Molecular molds with multiple missions: functional sites in three-finger toxins. Clinic. Exptl. Pharmacol. Physiol. 29, 815-822, 2002.

Research papers:

1. Kini, R.M. and Evans, H.J.: Role of cationic amino acid residues in cytolytic activity. Modifications of lysine residues in the cardiotoxin from Naja nigricollis venom and correlation between cytolytic and antiplatelet activities. Biochemistry, 28, 9209-9215, 1989.

2. Kini, R. M., Caldwell, R. A., Wu, Q. Y., Baumgarten, C. M., Feher, J. J. and Evans, H. J.: Flanking proline residues identify the L-type Ca2+ channel binding site of calciseptine and FS2. Biochemistry 37, 9058-9063, 1998.




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