Prof. Kini's Laboratory








  Visior's Comments

Key Publications For Three-Finger Toxins

Key Publications

Reviews :

1. Kini, R. M.: Molecular molds with multiple missions: functional sites in three-finger toxins. Clinic. Exptl. Pharmacol. Physiol.29, 815-822, 2002.

2. Nirthanan, S., Gopalakrishnakone, P., Gwee, M. C. E., Khoo, H. E. and Kini, R. M.: Non-conventional toxins from elapid venoms Toxicon, 41, 397-407, 2002.

3. Fry, B. G., Wüster, W., Kini, R.M., Brusic, V., Khan, A., Venkataraman, D., Rooney, A. P.: Molecular evolution and phylogeny of elapid snake venom three finger toxins. J. Mol. Evol., 57, 110-129, 2003. Received the Zuckercandl prize for the best paper in the year 2003.

Research papers :

1. Kini, R.M., Haar, N.C. and Evans, H.J.: Non‑enzymatic inhibitors of coagulation and platelet aggregation from Naja nigricollis venom are cardiotoxins. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 150, 1012‑1016, 1988.

2. Kini, R.M. and Evans, H.J.: Mechanism of platelet effects of cardiotoxins from Naja nigricollis crawshawii (spitting cobra) snake venom. Thrombos. Res., 52, 185‑195, 1988.

3. Kini, R.M. and Evans, H.J.: Role of cationic amino acid residues in cytolytic activity. Modifications of lysine residues in the cardiotoxin from Naja nigricollis venom and correlation between cytolytic and antiplatelet activities. Biochemistry, 28, 9209-9215, 1989.

4. Kini, R. M., Caldwell, R. A., Wu, Q. Y., Baumgarten, C. M., Feher, J. J. and Evans, H. J.: Flanking proline residues identify the L-type Ca 2+ channel binding site of calciseptine and FS2. Biochemistry 37, 9058-9063, 1998.

5. Parvathy V. R., Chary, K. V. R., Kini, R. M. and Govil, G.: NMR studies of a neurotoxin (candoxin) from Bungarus candidus – Presence of predominantly β-sheet structure. Curr. Sci.,79, 219-222, 2000.

6. Kuhn, P., Deacon, A. M., Comoso, D. S., Rajaseger, G. Kini, R. M., Uson, I. and Kolatkar P. R.: The atomic resolution structure of a novel toxin, bucandin, isolated from the Malayan krait, determined by direct methods.  Acta Crystallographica, Series, 56D, 1401-1407, 2000.

7. Parvathy V. R., Chary, K. V. R., Kini, R. M. and Govil, G.: Sequence specific 13C NMR assignments in a neurotoxin (candoxin) from Bungarus candidus. Magn. Reson. Chem.39, 577-580, 2001.

8. Torres, A. M., Kini, R. M., Nirthanan, S. and Kuchel, P. W.: NMR structure of bucandin, a neurotoxin from the venom of the Malayan krait.  Biochem. J.360, 539-548, 2001.

9. Nirthanan, S., Charpantier, E., Gopalakrishnakone, P., Gwee, M. C. E., Khoo, H. E., Cheah, L. S., Bertrand, D. and Kini, R. M.: Candoxin, a novel toxin from Bungarus candidus is a reversible antagonist of muscle (abgd) but a poorly reversible antagonist of neuronal α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. J. Biol. Chem.  277, 17811-17820, 2002.

10. Watanabe, L., Nirthanan, S., Rajaseger, G., Polikarpov, I., Kini, R. M. and Arni, R. K.: Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of bucain, a novel toxin from the Malayan krait Bungarus candidus. Acta Crystallogr. Section D, 58, 1879-1881, 2002.

11. Paaventhan, P., Joseph, J. S., Nirthanan, S., Rajaseger, G., Kini, R. M. and Kolatkar, P. R.: Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of candoxin, a novel reversible neurotoxin from the Malayan krait Bungarus candidus. Acta Crystallogr. Section D, 59, 589-562, 2003.

12. Nirthanan S., Charpantier, E., Gopalakrishnakone, P., Gwee, M. C. E., Khoo, H. E., Cheah, L. S., Bertrand, D. and Kini, R. M.: Neuromuscular effects of candoxin, a novel toxin from the venom of the Malayan krait ( Bungarus candidus). Brit. J. Pharmacol. 139, 832-844, 2003.

13. Fry, B. G., Lumsden, N. G., Wüster, W., Wickramaratna, J. C., Hodgson, W. C. and Kini, R. M.: Isolation of a neurotoxin (α-colubritoxin) from a ‘non-venomous’ colubrid: evidence for early origin of venom in snakes. J. Mol. Evol., 57, 446-452, 2003. Received the Zuckercandl prize for the best paper in the year 2003.

14. Lumsden, N. G., Fry, B. G., Ventura, S., Kini, R. M. and Hodgson, W. C.: Pharmacological characterisation of a neurotoxin from the venom of Boiga dendrophila (Mangrove snake). Toxicon, 45, 329-334, 2005.

15. Pawlak, J., Mackessy, S. P., Fry, B. G., Bhatia, M., Mourier, G., Fruchart-Gaillard, C., Servent, D., Ménez, R., Stura, E., Ménez, A. and Kini, R. M.: Denmotoxin, a Three-finger Toxin from the Colubrid Snake Boiga dendrophila (Mangrove Catsnake) with Bird-specific Activity. J. Biol. Chem., 281, 29030-29041, 2006.

16. Parvathy V., R., Chary, K. V. R., Kini, R. M. and Govil, G.: Solution structure of candoxin, a novel three-finger toxin from the venom of Bungarus candidus. Arkivoc, 2006, 1-16, 2006.

17. Nandhakishore, R., Pung, Y. F., Zhu, Y. Z., Wong, P. T. H., Kumar, P. P. and Kini, R. M.: β-Cardiotoxin: a new three-finger toxin from Ophiophagus hannah (king cobra) venom with beta-blocker activity. FASEB J., 21, 3685-3695, 2007.




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