Prof. Kini's Laboratory








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Key Publications For Origin and Evolution of Prothrombin Activators


1.   Kini, R.M., Morita, T. and Rosing, J.: Classification and nomenclature of prothrombin activators isolated from snake venoms.  Thrombos. Haemostas. 85, 710-711, 2001. See also

2.   Reza, M. A. and Kini, R. M.: Prothrombin activators from Australian snakes. Toxin Rev., 25, 257-290, 2006.

Research papers:

1.   Rao, V. S., Joseph, J. S. and Kini, R. M.: Group D prothrombin activators from snake venom are structural homologues of mammalian blood coagulation factor Xa.  Biochem. J. 369, 635-642, 2003.

2.   Rao, V. S., Swarup, S. and Kini, R. M.: The nonenzymatic subunit of pseutarin C, a prothrombin activator from common brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis) venom, shows structural similarity to mammalian coagulation factor V. Blood, 102, 1347-1354, 2003.

3.   Reza, M. A., Swarup, S. and Kini, R. M.: Two parallel prothrombin activator systems in Australian rough scaled snake (Tropidechis carinatus): structural comparison of venom prothrombin activator with blood coagulation factor X.  Thrombos. Haemostas., 93, 40-47, 2005.

4.   Le, T. N. M., Reza, M. A., Swarup, S. and Kini, R. M.: Gene duplication of coagulation factor V and origin of venom prothrombin activator in Pseudonaja textilis snake. Thrombos. Haemostas., 93, 420-429, 2005.

5.  Reza, M. A., Le, T. N. M., Swarup, S. and Kini, R. M.: Molecular evolution caught in action: gene duplication and evolution of molecular isoforms of prothrombin activators in Pseudonaja textilis (brown snake). J. Thrombos. Haemostas., 4, 1346-1353, 2006.

6.  Reza, M. A., Swarup, S. and Kini, R. M.: Gene structures of two functionally diverse prothrombin activators, Trocarin D and coagulation factor X in Tropidechis carinatus snake: gene duplication and recruitment of factor X gene to the venom gland. J. Thrombos. Haemostas., 5, 117-126, 2007.

7.  Kwong, S., Woods, A.E., Mirtschin, P.G., Ge, R., and Kini, R.M.: The recruitment of blood coagulation factor X into snake venom gland as a toxin: the role of promoter Cis-elements in its expression. Thromb. Haemost. 102: 469, 2009.


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