Ph.D. students & Postdoctoral Fellows

Sivamathini Rajappa (2017-2021)

Mathini Molecular characterization of potassium transporters and chloride channel related to salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana.

R. Ramamoorthy (Postdoc) 2009-2018

Ram Rice research - transformation, gene functional analysis, germination and seedling vigor in Arabidopsis and rice.

Tan Han Qi (2016-2020)

Hanqi Discovery of novel insect resistance gene/s from rice.

Ph.D. thesis work was carried out under the Industry Partnership Program at the Straits Biotech Pte Ltd, Singapore ( The project was jointly supervised with Dr. Santhosh Chellian, Straits Biotech Pte Ltd.

Wang Lili (Postdoc) 2016-2020

Lili Use of recombinantly expressed aquaporins from the mangrove Avicennia for biomimetic membrane preparation. (Jointly with Dr. Lin Qingsong's lab).

Amrit Bhal (2013-2018)

Amrit Environmental regulation of root development in rice.

The work involves characterization of genes participating in root development in selected rice mutants. (Jointly supervised with Dr. Xu Jian)

Pratibha Ravindran (Postdoc 2015-2017)

Pratibha Research project on RGL2 interacting proteins in the gibberellin signaling pathway intermediates in regulating primary dormancy in Arabidopsis seed.

Bhushan Vishal (2012-2015)

Bhushan Understanding the molecular mechanism of salt tolerance in rice.

The Ph.D. thesis research involved characterization of genes regulating salt tolerance mechanism in selected rice mutants.

Tan Wee Kee (Postdoc 2010-2016)

WeeKee Mechanism of salt secretion in mangrove salt glands of Avicennia.

(Jointly with the lab of A/P Loh CS)

Pavithra Amruthur Jyothi Prakash (2011-2015)

Pavithra Molecular and physiological studies of salt tolerance in the salt-secretor mangrove Avicennia officinalis. (Jointly supervised with Assoc Prof C.S. Loh).

This Ph.D. thesis research was facilitated by a research scholarship from the Singapore-Peking-Oxford Research Enterprise (SPORE) administered by NERI, NUS.

Vivek Verma (Postdoc 2013-Apr 2015)

Vivek Interaction between a cytokinin receptor and signaling intermediates in rice and Arabidopsis.

Pratibha Ravindran (2009-2014)

Pratibha Ph.D. thesis research was on: Gibberellin signaling pathway intermediates in Arabidopsis.

Vijay Bhaskar (2007-2013)

Vijay Study of abiotic and biotic stress related genes in Arabidopsis. (Ph.D. thesis jointly supervised by Prof Yu Hao).

Vivek Verma (2007-2013)

Vivek Interaction between a cytokinin receptor and signaling intermediates in Arabidopsis. (Ph.D. thesis jointly supervised by Assoc Prof Ganesh Anand & Prof R.M. Kini).

Petra Stamm (2007-2012)

Petra Involvement of RGL2, a gibberellin response regulator in Arabidopsis development. (Jointly supervised by Assoc Prof Yu Hao). After graduation, worked as a Research Assistant from Sept 2012 to Feb 2013, before proceeding to Univ of Birmingham as a Postdoctoral Fellow.

Chintamani (Mahesh) Ghole

Mahesh Crop improvement by modification of phytohormone signaling pathway. (Degree not completed).

Lee Li Yen, Candy (2010)

Candy Investigation of DELLA protein targets. DELLA proteins are negative regulators of the gibberellin (GA) signaling pathway.(Jointly supervised with Assoc Prof Yu Hao).

Liu Chang (2009)

Liu Chang Identificatin of direct target genes of AGL24 during Arabidopsis floral induction. (Jointly supervised with Assoc Prof Yu Hao).

Rajagopalan Nandhakishore (2008)

Kishore Kishore's main research focus was on the isolation and characterization of novel proteins from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah (King cobra). (Jointly supervised with Prof RM Kini).

Look Su Lee (2007)

Su LeePopulation genetics of the Johannesteijsmannia species. Because of habitat degradation, conservation of this ornamental palm genus is vital. (Jointly supervised by A/P Hugh Tan).

Alfredo Amiel P. Leonardia (2007)

AAPL Genetic Diversity of Populations of the Malesian Moss, Acanthorrhynchium papillatum, as Measured by Microsatellite Markers and ITS2 Sequences. (Main supervisor Associate Professor Benito Tan).

Tan Ee Ling (2007)

Ee Ling I consider myself an Old Guard of this lab, because I had carried out my honors research also in this lab. My PhD thesis research was in the field of Molecular Plant Developmental Biology. I attempted to elucidate the role of RGL2, a gibberellin response regulator and its involvement in floral development in Arabidopsis thaliana. My co-supervisor was Associate Professor Yu Hao of The Plant Functional Genomics Lab.

Mandar Godge (2007)

MandarCytokinin signal transduction proteins. Studied the molecular mechanisms of Cytokinin Binding Proteins (receptors) and their role in plant development.

Teo Lai Lai

Lai LaiI worked on the MADS-box genes AGL6 and AGL13 in Arabidopsis thaliana. These two genes were cloned in 1991 and 1995 respectively. However, their actual functions have not been examined until my study.

(Jointly supervised by A/P Hugh Tan and Prof Yu Hao) (Degree not completed).

Dileep G.R. (2007)

dileep Worked on the biological functions, structure and structure-function relationships of two proteins from a novel family of snake venom proteins. He also initiated work on using plants to express the proteins. (Jointly supervised with Prof RM Kini).


Also worked as Research Assistant for about one year after completion of the PhD work.

Xu Yifeng (2006)

YifengCharacterization of floral organ identity genes in Dendrobium crumenatum.

Xu Y, Teo LL, Zhou J, Kumar PP, Yu H. Floral organ identity genes in the orchid Dendrobium crumenatum. The Plant Journal (2006) 46: 54-68.

Pung Yuh Fen (2005)

Yuh Fen I worked on a novel protein, ohanin, identified and purified from king cobra venom. Ohanin produces dose-dependent hypolocomotion and hyperalgesia in mice. Both the pharmacological actions are presumably mediated through its effects on the central nervous system. (Jointly supervised with Prof R.M. Kini)

Wang Yu (2005)

Wang YuCloning and characterization of ethylene receptors from petunia; Establishment of a transformation method for coriander as well as examination of the effect of Arabidopsis ers1 transgene on coriander tissue senescence.

Michelle Goh Wee Kee (2004)

Michelle My PhD project was on the biosystematics of the genus Phalaenopsis under the main supervision of Prof. Hugh Tan.

Phalaenopsis orchid has approximately 60 species and is an important horticultural taxon. Many Phalaenopsis species have been used to breed commercially important hybrids for the cut flower industry. The main goals of my project were a reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationships of the genus Phalaenopsis using morphology and DNA sequence data (trnL-trnF, matk, atpB-rbcL) and a monographic treatment of the genus. Also, using data from an analysis of floral fragrances in the Phalaenopsis violacea species complex, we showed that Bornean form of P. violacea has a distinct fragrance chemistry from that of P. violacea found in Malaya and Sumatra even though morphologically they are similar.

Wu Qiang (2003)

Wu Qiang My work in the Plant Morphogenesis Lab: Cloning and characterization of rice HMGB1 gene; Interactions between recombinant HMGB1 protein and DNA. (Jointly supervised by Dr. Pwee Keng Hock)

Zhang Pingyu (2003)

Pingyu PhD thesis work was on cloning and characterization of AGAMOUS homolog from Cycas.

Narayana Murthy (2002)

MurthyBiochemical and biophysical aspects of seed aging. (Jointly supervised by Dr. Wendell Sun)

Adrian Loo (2001)

Adrian Infraspecific variation in the palm species Licuala glabra Griff. - A morphological and molecular analysis. (Jointly supervised by A/P Hugh Tan)

A. Pavan Prakash (2000)

PavanThe role of cytosine methylation and a MADS box gene in adventitious shoot induction from leaf cultures.

Winnie Teo Li Lian (2000)

WinniePlant regeneration and transformation studies in rapid-cycling Brassica species. (Jointly supervised by A/P Sanjay Swarup)

Kwa Siew Hwa (1995)

SiewHwa Physiological studies using tissue cultures of Platycerium coronarium (Koenig.) Desv.

Past M.Sc., Honors, Research Assistants