Yu, T., Graf, M., Renn, J., Schartl, M., Larionova, D., Huysseune, A., Witten, P.E., Winkler, C. (2017).
A vertebrate specific and essential role for sp7/osterix in osteogenesis revealed by gene knock-out in the teleost medaka.
Development 144:265-271.
Witten, P.E., Harris, M.P., Huysseune, A., Winkler C. (2017).
Small Teleost Fish Provide New Insights into Human Skeletal Diseases.
Methods Cell Biol 138, 321-346.
Tan, W.H., Witten, P.E., Winkler C., Huysseune, A. (2017).
Telomerase expression in medaka (Oryzias melastigma) pharyngeal teeth.
Journal of Dental Research. In Press.
Watson, A.T.D., Planchart, A., Mattingly, C.J., Winkler, C., Reif, D.M., Kullman, S.W. (2017).
Embryonic exposure to TCDD impacts osteogenesis of the axial skeleton in Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes.
Toxicological Sciences 155, 485-496.
Yu, T., and Winkler, C. (2016).
Drug treatment and in vivo imaging of osteoblast-osteoclast interactions in a medaka fish osteoporosis model.
Journal of Visualized Experiments 1:119.
Spiró, Z., Koh, A., Tay, S., See, K., Winkler, C. (2016)
Transcriptional enhancement of Smn levels in motoneurons is crucial for proper axon morphology in zebrafish.
Scientific Reports, 6, 27470.
Yu, T., Buettner, A., To, T.T., Witten, P.E., Huysseune, A., Winkler, C. (2016).
Live imaging of osteoclast inhibition by bisphosphonates in a medaka osteoporosis model.
Disease Models & Mechanisms9(2), 155-163.
To, T.T., Witten, P.E., Huysseune, A. and Winkler, C.,(2015).
An adult osteopetrosis model in medaka reveals the importance of osteoclast function for bone remodeling in teleost fish.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 178, pp.68-75.
Willems, B., Tao, S., Yu, T., Huysseune, A., Witten, P.E. and Winkler, C., (2015).
The Wnt Co-Receptor Lrp5 Is Required for Cranial Neural Crest Cell Migration in Zebrafish.
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Quach, H.N.B., Tao, S., Vrljicak, P., Joshi, A., Ruan, H., Sukumaran, R., Varshney, G.K.,
LaFave, M.C., Burgess, S.M., Winkler, C. and Emelyanov, A.(2015).
A Multifunctional Mutagenesis System for Analysis of Gene Function in Zebrafish.
G3: Genes| Genomes| Genetics, pp.g3-114.
Graf, M., Teo Qi-Wen, E.R., Sarusie, M.V., Rajaei, F., Winkler, C. (2014).
Dmrt5 controls corticotrope and gonadotrope differentiation in the zebrafish pituitary.
Molecular Endocrinology, 29(2), pp.187-199.
Linder, B., Hirmer, A., Gal, A., Rüther, K., Bolz, H.J., Meitinger, T., Winkler, C., Laggerbauer, B., Fischer, U. (2014).
Identification of a PRPF4 loss-of-function variant that abrogates U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP integration and is associated with Retinitis pigmentosa.
PLoS ONE 9(11):e111754.
Renn, J., Winkler C. (2014).
Osterix/Sp7 regulates biomineralization of otoliths and bone in medaka (Oryzias latipes).
Matrix Biology 34, 193-204.
See, K., Yadav, P., Giegerich, M., Cheong, P.S., Graf, M., Vyas, H., Lee, S.G.P, Mathavan, S., Fischer, U., Sendtner, M., Winkler, C. (2014).
SMN-deficiency alters Nrxn2 expression and splicing in zebrafish and mouse models of spinal muscular atrophy.
Human Molecular Genetics 23, 1754-1770.
Winkler, C. and Yao, S. (2014)
The midkine family of growth factors: Diverse roles in nervous system formation and maintenance.
British Journal of Pharmacology 171, 905-912.
Renn, J., Chua, E.P.S., Tay, F.S., Featherstone, M., Winkler, C. (2014).
Characterization of regulatory elements in the medaka osterix promoter required for osteoblast expression.
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30, 652–660.
Renn, J., Buettner, A., To, T.T., Chan, S.J.H., Winkler, C. (2013).
A novel col10a1:nlGFP transgenic reporter line displays putative osteoblast precursors at the medaka notochordal sheath prior to mineralization.
Developmental Biology 381, 134-143.
Yao, S., Cheng, M.G., Zhang, Q., Wasik, M., Kelsh, R., Winkler, C. (2013).
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase is required for neurogenesis in the developing central nervous system of zebrafish.
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Lim, J.W., Yao, S., Graf, M., Winkler, C., Yang, D.W. (2013).
Structure–function analysis of full-length midkine reveals novel residues important for heparin binding and zebrafish embryogenesis.
Biochemical Journal 451, 407-415.
Amali, A.A., Sie, L., Winkler, C., Featherstone, M. (2013) .
Zebrafish hoxd4a acts upstream of meis1.1 to direct vasculogenesis, angiogenesis and hematopoiesis.
PLoS ONE 8(3):e58857.
Haendeler, J., Mlynek, A., Büchner, N., Lukosz, M., Graf, M., Güttler, C., Jakob, S., Farrokh, S., Kunze, K., Goy, C., Guardiola-Serrano, F., Schaal, H., Cortese-Krott, M, Deenen, R., Köhrer, K., Winkler, C., Altschmied, J. (2013).
Two isoforms of Sister-of-Mammalian Grainyhead have opposing functions in endothelial cells and in vivo.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 33, 1639-1646.
To TT, Witten PE, Renn J, Bhattacharya D, Huysseune A, Winkler C. (2012).
RANKL induced osteoclastogenesis leads to loss of mineralization in a Medaka osteoporosis model.
Development 139, 141-150.
Willems, B., Buettner, A., Huysseune, A., Renn, J., Witten, P.E., Winkler, C. (2012).
Conditional ablation of osteoblasts in Medaka.
Developmental Biology 364, 128-137.
Tran, L.D., Hino, H., Quach, H., Lim, S., Shindo, A., Mimori-Kiyosue, Y., Mione, M., Ueno, N., Winkler, C., Hibi, M., Sampath, K. (2012).
Dynamic Microtubules at the Vegetal Cortex Predict the Embryonic Axis in Zebrafish.
Development 139, 3644-3652.
Yin, J., Brocher, J., Linder, B., Hirner, A., Fischer, U., Winkler, C. (2012).
The 1D4 Antibody Labels Outer Segments of Long Double Cone But Not Rod Photoreceptors in Zebrafish.
Invest Ophtal Vis Sci 53, 4943-51.
Kirchmaier, B.C., Poon, K.L., Schwerte, T., Huisken, J., Winkler, C., Jungblut, B., Stainier, D.Y., Brand, T. (2012).
The Popeye domain containing 2 (popdc2) gene in zebrafish is required for heart and skeletal muscle development.
Developmental Biology 363, 438-450.
Yin, J., Brocher, J., Fischer, U., Winkler, C. (2011).
Mutant Prpf31 causes pre-mRNA splicing defects and rod photoreceptor cell degeneration in a zebrafish model for Retinitis pigmentosa.
Molecular Neurodegeneration 6:56.
Linder, B., Dill, H., Hirmer, A., Brocher, J., Lee G.K., Mathavan, S., Bolz, H.J., Winkler, C., Laggerbauer, B., Fischer, U. (2011).
Systemic splice factor deficiency causes tissue-specific defects: A zebrafish model for Retinitis pigmentosa.
Human Molecular Genetics 20, 368-377.
Li, Z.H., Alex, D., Siu, S.O., Chu, I.K., Renn, J., Winkler, C., Zhao, H.Y., Yan, W.R., Mahady, G.B., Hui, L.G., Kwan, Y.W., Wang, Y.T., Lee, S.M.Y. (2011).
Combined in vivo imaging and omic approaches reveal metabolism of icaritin and its glycosides in zebrafish larvae.
Molecular BioSystems 7, 2128-2138.
Renn J, Winkler C.
Characterization of collagen type 10a1 and osteocalcin in early and mature osteoblasts during skeleton formation in medaka.
J. Appl. Ichthyology. 2010 26, 196–201.
Glinka M, Herrmann T, Funk N, Havlicek S, Rossoll W, Winkler C, Sendtner M.
The Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein R is Necessary for Axonal-actin mRNA Translocation in Spinal Motoneurons.
Human Molecular Genetics 2010 19, 1951-1966.
Hong N, Li M, Zeng Z, Yi M, Deng J, Gui F, Winkler C, Schartl M, Hong Y.
Accessibility of host cell lineages to medaka stem cells depends on genetic background and irradiation of recipient embryos.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2010 67, 1189-1202.
Renn J, Winkler C.
Osterix-mCherry transgenic medaka for in vivo imaging of bone formation
Dev Dyn. 2009 238, 241-248.
Yeo GH, Cheah FS, Winkler C, Jabs EW, Venkatesh B, Chong SS.
Phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships and developmental expression patterns of the zebrafish twist gene family.
Dev Genes Evol. 2009 219, 289-300.
Spoorendonk KM, Peterson-Maduro J, Renn J, Trowe T, Kranenbarg S, Winkler C, Schulte-Merker S.
Retinoic acid and Cyp26b1 are critical regulators of osteogenesis in the axial skeleton.
Development 2008 135, 3765-3774. (cover page)
Liedtke D, Winkler C.
Midkine-b regulates cell specification at the neural plate border in zebrafish.
Dev Dyn. 2008 Jan;237(1):62-74.
PMID: 18058915 [PubMed - in process]
Herpin A, Schindler D, Kraiss A, Hornung U, Winkler C, Schartl M.
Inhibition of primordial germ cell proliferation by the medaka male determining
gene Dmrt I bY.
BMC Dev Biol. 2007 Aug 30;7:99.
PMID: 17760954 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
To TT, Hahner S, Nica G, Rohr KB, Hammerschmidt M, Winkler C, Allolio B.
Pituitary-interrenal interaction in zebrafish interrenal organ development.
Mol Endocrinol. 2007 Feb;21(2):472-85. Epub 2006 Nov 2.
PMID: 17082325 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Schäfer M, Kinzel D, Winkler C.
Discontinuous organization and specification of the lateral floor plate in zebrafish.
Dev Biol. 2007 Jan 1;301(1):117-29. Epub 2006 Sep 16.
PMID: 17045256 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Schild-Prüfert K, Giegerich M, Schäfer M, Winkler C, Krohne G.
Structural and functional characterization of the zebrafish lamin B receptor.
Eur J Cell Biol. 2006 Aug;85(8):813-24. Epub 2006 Jun 6.
PMID: 16759737 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Renn J, Schaedel M, Volff JN, Goerlich R, Schartl M, Winkler C.
Dynamic expression of sparc precedes formation of skeletal elements in the Medaka(Oryzias latipes).
Gene. 2006 May 10;372:208-18. Epub 2006 Mar 20.
PMID: 16545530 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Renn J, Winkler C, Schartl M, Fischer R, Goerlich R.
Zebrafish and medaka as models for bone research including implications regarding space-related issues.
Protoplasma. 2006 Dec;229(2-4):209-14. Epub 2006 Dec 16.
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Sieger D, Ackermann B, Winkler C, Tautz D, Gajewski M.
her1 and her13.2 are jointly required for somitic border specification along the entire axis of the fish embryo.
Dev Biol. 2006 May 1;293(1):242-51. Epub 2006 Mar 20.
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Gajewski M, Elmasri H, Girschick M, Sieger D, Winkler C.
Comparative analysis of her genes during fish somitogenesis suggests a
mouse/chick-like mode of oscillation in medaka.
Dev Genes Evol. 2006 Jun;216(6):315-32. Epub 2006 Mar 17. Erratum in: Dev Genes
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PMID: 16544152 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Bollig F, Mehringer R, Perner B, Hartung C, Schäfer M, Schartl M, Volff JN,
Winkler C, Englert C.
Identification and comparative expression analysis of a second wt1 gene in
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PMID: 16292775 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Veith AM, Schäfer M, Klüver N, Schmidt C, Schultheis C, Schartl M, Winkler C, Volff JN.
Tissue-specific expression of dmrt genes in embryos and adults of the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus.
Zebrafish. 2006;3(3):325-37.
PMID: 18377213 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2005 and earlier
Winkler C, Eggert C, Gradl D, Meister G, Giegerich M, Wedlich D, Laggerbauer
B, Fischer U.
Reduced U snRNP assembly causes motor axon degeneration in an animal model for
spinal muscular atrophy.
Genes Dev. 2005 Oct 1;19(19):2320-30.
PMID: 16204184 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Schäfer M, Rembold M, Wittbrodt J, Schartl M, Winkler C.
Medial floor plate formation in zebrafish consists of two phases and requires
trunk-derived Midkine-a.
Genes Dev. 2005 Apr 15;19(8):897-902.
PMID: 15833916 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Schäfer M, Kinzel D, Neuner C, Schartl M, Volff JN, Winkler C.
Hedgehog and retinoid signalling confines nkx2.2b expression to the lateral floor
plate of the zebrafish trunk.
Mech Dev. 2005 Jan;122(1):43-56.
PMID: 15582776 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Prüfert K, Winkler C, Paulin-Levasseur M, Krohne G.
The lamina-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP2) genes of zebrafish and chicken: no
LAP2alpha isoform is synthesised by non-mammalian vertebrates.
Eur J Cell Biol. 2004 Aug;83(8):403-11.
PMID: 15506564 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Elmasri H, Liedtke D, Lücking G, Volff JN, Gessler M, Winkler C.
her7 and hey1, but not lunatic fringe show dynamic expression during
somitogenesis in medaka (Oryzias latipes).
Gene Expr Patterns. 2004 Sep;4(5):553-9.
PMID: 15261833 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Winkler C, Hornung U, Kondo M, Neuner C, Duschl J, Shima A, Schartl M.
Developmentally regulated and non-sex-specific expression of autosomal dmrt genes
in embryos of the Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes).
Mech Dev. 2004 Jul;121(7-8):997-1005.
PMID: 15210205 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Hong Y, Winkler C, Liu T, Chai G, Schartl M.
Activation of the mouse Oct4 promoter in medaka embryonic stem cells and its use for ablation of spontaneous differentiation.
Mech Dev. 2004 Jul;121(7-8):933-43.
PMID: 15210197 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Loosli F, Del Bene F, Quiring R, Rembold M, Martinez-Morales JR, Carl M,
Grabher C, Iquel C, Krone A, Wittbrodt B, Winkler S, Sasado T, Morinaga C, Suwa
H, Niwa K, Henrich T, Deguchi T, Hirose Y, Iwanami N, Kunimatsu S, Osakada M,
Watanabe T, Yasuoka A, Yoda H, Winkler C, Elmasri H, Kondoh H, Furutani-Seiki M,
Wittbrodt J.
Mutations affecting retina development in Medaka.
Mech Dev. 2004 Jul;121(7-8):703-14.
PMID: 15210178 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Kitagawa D, Watanabe T, Saito K, Asaka S, Sasado T, Morinaga C, Suwa H, Niwa
K, Yasuoka A, Deguchi T, Yoda H, Hirose Y, Henrich T, Iwanami N, Kunimatsu S,
Osakada M, Winkler C, Elmasri H, Wittbrodt J, Loosli F, Quiring R, Carl M,
Grabher C, Winkler S, Del Bene F, Momoi A, Katada T, Nishina H, Kondoh H,
Furutani-Seiki M.
Genetic dissection of the formation of the forebrain in Medaka, Oryzias latipes.
Mech Dev. 2004 Jul;121(7-8):673-85.
PMID: 15210176 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Elmasri H, Winkler C, Liedtke D, Sasado T, Morinaga C, Suwa H, Niwa K,
Henrich T, Hirose Y, Yasuoka A, Yoda H, Watanabe T, Deguchi T, Iwanami N,
Kunimatsu S, Osakada M, Loosli F, Quiring R, Carl M, Grabher C, Winkler S, Del
Bene F, Wittbrodt J, Abe K, Takahama Y, Takahashi K, Katada T, Nishina H, Kondoh
H, Furutani-Seiki M.
Mutations affecting somite formation in the Medaka (Oryzias latipes).
Mech Dev. 2004 Jul;121(7-8):659-71.
PMID: 15210175 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Furutani-Seiki M, Sasado T, Morinaga C, Suwa H, Niwa K, Yoda H, Deguchi T,
Hirose Y, Yasuoka A, Henrich T, Watanabe T, Iwanami N, Kitagawa D, Saito K, Asaka S, Osakada M, Kunimatsu S, Momoi A, Elmasri H, Winkler C, Ramialison M, Loosli F, Quiring R, Carl M, Grabher C, Winkler S, Del Bene F, Shinomiya A, Kota Y, Yamanaka T, Okamoto Y, Takahashi K, Todo T, Abe K, Takahama Y, Tanaka M, Mitani H, Katada T, Nishina H, Nakajima N, Wittbrodt J, Kondoh H.
A systematic genome-wide screen for mutations affecting organogenesis in Medaka, Oryzias latipes.
Mech Dev. 2004 Jul;121(7-8):647-58.
PMID: 15210174 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Wagner TU, Renn J, Riemensperger T, Volff JN, Koster RW, Goerlich R, Schartl
M, Winkler C.
The teleost fish medaka (Oryzias latipes) as genetic model to study gravity
dependent bone homeostasis in vivo.
Adv Space Res. 2003;32(8):1459-65.
PMID: 15000082 [PubMed - in process]
Winkler C, Elmasri H, Klamt B, Volff JN, Gessler M.
Characterization of hey bHLH genes in teleost fish.
Dev Genes Evol. 2003 Nov;213(11):541-53. Epub 2003 Oct 31.
PMID: 14593478 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Fischer A, Leimeister C, Winkler C, Schumacher N, Klamt B, Elmasri H, Steidl
C, Maier M, Knobeloch KP, Amann K, Helisch A, Sendtner M, Gessler M.
Hey bHLH factors in cardiovascular development.
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 2002;67:63-70. Review. No abstract available.
PMID: 12858525 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Winkler C, Schafer M, Duschl J, Schartl M, Volff JN.
Functional divergence of two zebrafish midkine growth factors following
fish-specific gene duplication.
Genome Res. 2003 Jun;13(6A):1067-81. Epub 2003 May 12.
PMID: 12743018 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Schoft VK, Beauvais AJ, Lang C, Gajewski A, Prüfert K, Winkler C, Akimenko
MA, Paulin-Levasseur M, Krohne G.
The lamina-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP2) isoforms beta, gamma and omega of
zebrafish: developmental expression and behavior during the cell cycle.
J Cell Sci. 2003 Jun 15;116(Pt 12):2505-17. Epub 2003 May 6.
PMID: 12734396 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Hansen IA, To TT, Wortmann S, Burmester T, Winkler C, Meyer SR, Neuner C,
Fassnacht M, Allolio B.
The pro-opiomelanocortin gene of the zebrafish (Danio rerio).
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Apr 18;303(4):1121-8.
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Nanda I, Kondo M, Hornung U, Asakawa S, Winkler C, Shimizu A, Shan Z, Haaf T, Shimizu N, Shima A, Schmid M, Schartl M.
A duplicated copy of DMRT1 in the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome of
the medaka, Oryzias latipes.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Sep 3;99(18):11778-83. Epub 2002 Aug 22.
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Winkler C, Moon RT.
Zebrafish mdk2, a novel secreted midkine, participates in posterior neurogenesis.
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Altschmied J, Volff JN, Winkler C, Gutbrod H, Körting C, Pagany M, Schartl M.
Primary structure and expression of the xiphophorus
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Gene. 2000 May 16;249(1-2):75-82.
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Hong Y, Winkler C, Schartl M.
Efficiency of cell culture derivation from blastula embryos and of chimera
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Dimitrijevic N, Winkler C, Wellbrock C, Gómez A, Duschl J, Altschmied J,
Schartl M.
Activation of the Xmrk proto-oncogene of Xiphophorus by overexpression and
mutational alterations.
Oncogene. 1998 Apr 2;16(13):1681-90.
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Hong Y, Winkler C, Schartl M.
Production of medakafish chimeras from a stable embryonic stem cell line.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 Mar 31;95(7):3679-84.
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Hyodo-Taguchi Y, Winkler C, Kurihara Y, Schartl A, Schartl M.
Phenotypic rescue of the albino mutation in the medakafish (Oryzias latipes) by a mouse tyrosinase transgene.
Mech Dev. 1997 Nov;68(1-2):27-35.
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Baudler M, Duschl J, Winkler C, Schartl M, Altschmied J.
Activation of transcription of the melanoma inducing Xmrk oncogene by a GC box
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Hong Y, Winkler C, Schartl M.
Pluripotency and differentiation of embryonic stem cell lines from the medakafish(Oryzias latipes).
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Götz R, Köster R, Winkler C, Raulf F, Lottspeich F, Schartl M, Thoenen H.
Neurotrophin-6 is a new member of the nerve growth factor family.
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Winkler C, Wittbrodt J, Lammers R, Ullrich A, Schartl M.
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tyrosine kinase transgene.
Oncogene. 1994 Jun;9(6):1517-25.
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Winkler C, Hong Y, Wittbrodt J, Schartl M.
Analysis of heterologous and homologous promoters and enhancers in vitro and in
vivo by gene transfer into Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) Xiphophorus.
Mol Mar Biol Biotechnol. 1992 Aug-Oct;1(4-5):326-37.
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Winkler C, Vielkind JR, Schartl M.
Transient expression of foreign DNA during embryonic and larval development of
the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes).
Mol Gen Genet. 1991 Apr;226(1-2):129-40.
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Clauss G, Winkler C, Lohmeyer J, Anders F, Schartl M.
Oncofetal antigen in Xiphophorus detected by monoclonal antibodies directed
against melanoma-associated antigens.
Int J Cancer. 1990 Jan 15;45(1):136-42.
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