Wong's Molecular Virology Lab






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Research Areas:

Plant pathology, virology, molecular biology, structural biology, biotechnology, nanotechnology.


Research Interests:

Molecular biology of plant viruses, discovery of new viruses, virus replication and translation mechanisms, rapid and sensitive detection of viruses, synergism in virus-virus and virus-host Interactions, virus novel gene functions, protein expression using plant viral vectors, virus resistant transgenic plants, structural biology and bioinformatics of viruses, use of plant viruses as nano-materials for drug delivery, RNA interference.

Current Projects:

  • Development of plant viral vectors
    Our laboratory has synthesized several full-length biologically active cDNA clones of plant viruses, namely the ageratum yellow vein virus (AYVV), cymbidium mosaic virus (CymMV), odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV), and hibiscus chlorotic ringspot virus (HCRSV). Recently we have expressed a neuropepetide nocistatin using ORSV and an allergen derPII using potato virus X (PVX). We are now working on obtaining the biologically active clones of Hibiscus latent Singapore virus (HLSV) and zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV).

  • Investigation of novel viral genes of HCRSV and HLSV
    We have discovered two novel viral open reading frames (ORFs) in HCRSV, namely the p23 and the p25 ORFs. The p23 is required for virus replication and the p25 is believed to be required for virus movement. We are now verifying the existence of the different isoforms of p25 and to investigate their functions.

  • Production of virus-resistant transgenic orchids and watermelons
    We are now working towards producing virus-resistant transgenic orchids and watermelons. From our orchid virus sequence survey, we found that coat protein sequences of two prevalent viruses, namely the CymMV and ORSV, share high sequence homology. This information is crucial to the successful production of virus resistant plants. In collaboration with colleagues in China, progress has been made to produce virus resistant watermelons.

  • Production of monoclonal antibodies against SARS virus N protein
    We have expressed the N protein of the SARS virus and are in the process of generating monoclonal antibodies against it. We hope to use the monoclonal antibodies generated as diagnostic reagents for SARS virus in human.

Research Accomplishments:

  • Determination of full-length sequences and generation of biologically-active cDNA clones of two most prevalent orchid viruses - CymMV and ORSV.

  • Discovery of two novel open reading frames from HCRSV and a polyA tract in HLSV.

  • Molecular characterization of AYVV, CMV and ZYMV.

  • Successful application of non-radioactive cRNA probes, polymerase chain reaction, capillary electrophoresis, molecular beacons and quartz crystal microbalance for plant virus detection.


Last updated: 27-Jan-2007