Useful Links

General Safety Issues
General Safety at NUS
General Safety Videos
Laboratory Safety Videos
(User ID and Password may be required. If you cannot open the website using your browser, please right click, choose "copy link location" and paste it in IE.)
LASER Safety Issues
NUS Laser Safety
Forms from the National Environment Agency
Laser safety Information, University of Illinois
Laser Safety Manual, University of Pennsylvania
Chemical Safety
Chemical Safety information, Oxford University
General issues of importance in Research
Responsible conduct in research
NUS CIT Plagiarism Prevention/Turnitin
Tips on how to prepare a conference poster
Scientific Writing Booklet
Writing a Scientific Research Article
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
BD Fluorescence Spectrum Viewer
Invitrogen Fluorescence Spectrum Viewer
Filters Inventory
  • NUS
  • Biophysical Fluorescence Laboratory